It's directly relavent to which engine is in the A8 or even the same one as the A9. Just as the ata settings can tell this. After that which boost system is being used. From there one can conclude the take off/emergency HP on boost available in the A8 modeled in the game.
Since our A8 has the ata settings for 7.44 I'm assuming our 801D2 is 1800hp+- with Petrol in Intake boost. MW50 boosted the same engine to about 2000hp.
The data set AH A-8 matches with is known. The power settings are known as well. At that point, how that particular manifold pressure/power output is achieved I consider to be irrelevant and I think I have a right to not answer your post if I wish to do so with out you throwing a hissy fit at me?
As to what exactly the power output is I haven't seen any concrete data (primary source data) for the WEP-setting (1.58/1.65ata). I've seen different outputs on different sources but only primary source data is that power curve table. The data set has power curves only for the lower settings. Based on those curves and the height where the climb/speed starts to decrease one can however make estimates which have reasonable accuracy.
I've understood that Pyro got the document from Gatt a long time ago and performance in AH indeed matches that data.
Here it is again, already posted a link on it earlier in this thread:

It's very comforting to know that the world can stop turning because like all the other ww2 forums in other countries I've visited to read their FW190A discussions a resident "WMaker" has spoken the last word on the history of the FW190A and we can stop dead in our tracks and be enlightened and muted forever on the topic.
I guess we unenlightened here in the USA should write your name in for our November presidential election in the hopes you can then become the real hope and change of the free world and possibly be awarded a Noble for recognising our obvious unworthyness of your comments. Since you are not from Kenya we can probably sneek you past the citizenship requirments. Yeah we'll just tell the ellection board you are from Michigan.
Wow that just gives me a tingle up my leg anticipating your munificence in recognising our lost direction while being willing to point out our deficiency. Like our current national leader you obviously care so much about us and the outcome of our conversation with you.
Ok gents the secret vote is now open to get WMaker on the ballot with the Nobel committe in Stokholm. Since he is not an american and recognises how backwards americans are, it won't take much to get him in the running.
+1 for recognising how backwards americans are.
I'll contact the DNC and let them know we have a sure bet for the White House this November from "Michigan". So does this mean we have to learn Finnish to sing "Hail to the Leader" in January? I should put up some bets at Intrade. Now that would be ignorant, wouldn't it?

Like I said, if you just keep randomly posting stuff without any sources I will keep ignoring you, your hissy fits like the one above won't change that.