VonMessa, your description of the history and intent of the Fw190 is a little off. It was a 1939 design on par with both the spitfire and the 109. Its main benefit was it didn't use the very scarce in-line engine supplies being sent to Messerschmitt. In 1941 its main use was as a fighter, and boy did it do its job! British pilots reported the mauling they received from this strange new plane, and how a single burst crumpled planes in midair, how it outperformed them.
It was used against bombers later on, but that's not exclusive. The 109s were just as much. It earned a certain reputation, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a fighter. Just like the P-51 was a fighter. Just like the F4u was a fighter. They all performed many missions but the intent for all was "kill other fighters" from the get-go.
Back to the topic at hand, I agree that when flown properly the 190s can be very lethal. I enjoy flying the Fws (all types/loadouts) and have come to appreciate it can be an amazing killing in almost any circumstance. However for somebody asking advice I'd say: Learn your limitations. Don't fight the fight you can't even hope to win. This will change based on your particular SA and environment, but don't try to turn fight a spit16 at stall speeds, for example. Try to think outside the box and pull the move they aren't expecting. Otherwise be on the attack whenever you can, and don't be afraid to run away to reposition for a better attack.
I know, vague advice at best, but still better than nothing!