I've been researching interesting scenarios from history and I've found one I really like. It was the first P38 combat experience of Lt. Thomas B. McGuire (who would go on to become the second highest-scoring American ace of all time). McGuire was awarded the Silver Star for his bravery in this mission. He shot down 3 enemy aircraft, damaged a fourth, and lost "kill credit" for a fifth on a coin toss with another P38 pilot that had also inflicted damage. All of this took place over New Guinea, while the 431st Fighter Squadron, 475th Combat Group, was stationed at Port Moreseby in the allied "toehold" from whence they eventually drove the Japanese out of New Guinea.
I will begin coding this mission within the next few days. As soon as I have a "Preview" available, I'll post it on my web site.
McGuire led a flight of 3 P38s. I have learned the names of the other two pilots in his flight (all survived this battle). I got most of my information from the excellent book "The Last Great Ace" by Charles A. Martin.
If anybody has additional details of this fight (or the men involved) that they can forward on to me during the next 2 weeks or so, I will be grateful for the help. I want to make this as accurate as possible.