Author Topic: Carrier Mission Launche's  (Read 1126 times)

Offline bustr

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2012, 05:50:20 PM »
Real AH mission:

One master tactician slaves over a hot mission plan with multipel objectiives and sub mission groups of 30 invited players. Everyone receives their marching orders and coordiantes with the master tactician in an orderly and proper fashion. All sub groups launch at predetermined times and sub mission leaders keep in personal off mission channel contact with the master tactician. The primary objective is captured after all primary objective elements carry out their assignments in a timely manner. 2 hours later the secondairy and tertiary targets are captured or in the process there of from regrouped, restaged, and preplaned in an orderly and timely manner.

Phony Hoard Mission:

One person puts up a mission requesting 30 players. Mission lauches NOE and they flatten the target ASAP. Over the next 2 hours they flatten 5 more feilds.

Pandora's Mission:

Pandora asks politely the CO of 3 squads she knows to tag along with her and please take 6 bases she wants. NO use of the mission planner. Pandora just points to the feild she wants and it's taken. All base attacks flown at 12k using bombers and fighters and GV where possible.  At each target Pandora politely reminds everyone that gentelmen you know what to do here lets take down that base and capture it. Always a minimum of 3 volintairy C47 in tow with at least 2 players offering to up additional if needed. 2 hours, 40 like minded players and 6 bases captured, Pandaora politly thanks everyone and logs off. Pandora lives in England and our game prime time is at odds with her sleep cycle.

POTW Mission:

Waystin points at a field and say he wants it. Pigs flatten it and move on to the next one. Green guys eventualy start following us to get in on the action. Pigs pick a fight on the other side of the map to get away from the green guys swelling our numbers. Sometimes the green guys catch on and show up again swelling our numbers.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2012, 07:32:23 PM »
fugitive we have had many times a single fighter take out the goons as they came out of nowhere.  lots of members in the mission do not guarantee success just like a few members with a complex mission dont guarantee one either.

the bishops had a highly complex mission yesterday on one of our northwest bases.  the high high alt bombers with low bombers and fighters to cap.  plus a couple of other bombers flashing and hiting nearby bases.  it was very similar to the mission you described and guess what they didnt take the base even with gv's following up on the ground and 2 cv's nearby as back up.  did they fail at their mission?  I dont think so, i think they did pretty good, but we just happen to do a little better at defending.

highly complex missions like the one you describe have a tendency to fail, not because the people who are in it arent good at playing, but because it attracts lots of defenders.  actually the only time they win is when few people bother to up so it's not really any different than just bringing a horde to the base and most likely they wont be a fight anyway.

there's really no right or wrong way to play the game.  I am beginning to think that some people are right, it's who has the most fun that wins that night.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2012, 08:44:49 PM »
If you see people making bee-lines to your goons, REPORT IT. If giving away the location of hidden CVs so they can be sunk and brought back into the game is considered a "no-no" I would think giving away the locations of goons should be too.
You would be surprised how often this happens.  By not putting roadblocks in place to prevent this, HTC is basically encouraging it---especially since it's an extra $15 a month in their pocket.

It makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit that players, young and old, have to actually cheat others out of their efforts to make themselves feel better.   :eek:

I've actually been considering going back to flying Fighter Sweeps only instead of Base Capture missions.  :O

 :salute all that deserve it!


"HORDE not HOARD. Unless someone has a dragon sitting on top of a bunch of La7s somewhere." -80hd

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2012, 10:17:53 PM »
fugitive we have had many times a single fighter take out the goons as they came out of nowhere.  lots of members in the mission do not guarantee success just like a few members with a complex mission dont guarantee one either.

the bishops had a highly complex mission yesterday on one of our northwest bases.  the high high alt bombers with low bombers and fighters to cap.  plus a couple of other bombers flashing and hiting nearby bases.  it was very similar to the mission you described and guess what they didnt take the base even with gv's following up on the ground and 2 cv's nearby as back up.  did they fail at their mission?  I dont think so, i think they did pretty good, but we just happen to do a little better at defending.

highly complex missions like the one you describe have a tendency to fail, not because the people who are in it arent good at playing, but because it attracts lots of defenders.  actually the only time they win is when few people bother to up so it's not really any different than just bringing a horde to the base and most likely they wont be a fight anyway.

there's really no right or wrong way to play the game.  I am beginning to think that some people are right, it's who has the most fun that wins that night.


They fail due to lack of skill, not because your defense is good. They had a mission and their skill wasn't up to the challenge of executing it. When goon drivers fly a strait path from one base to the other never turning even when attacked it is due to lack of skill, NOT your great aim at shooting it down. Dive bombers that either hit only half the time, or lawn dart even if they DO hit is lack of skill, not your defense. When a mission stutters due to a problem skilled players can react and pick up the slack and know what to do with out long explanations.

Todays players don't bother to learn the HOWS of the game. All they know or are taught is "Take lots of people with lots of bombs, sneak in and flatten everything. If the goon dies we re up on the other side of the map and try again". When was the last time you saw a squad spend a couple hours in the TA practicing dive bombing with 38s from 15k until everyone could do it with better than a 50% hit rate, and those same people practice on there own until they could do better than 75%? With 10 people that is like 24,000 lbs of explosive ON TARGET, with all 10 guys still alive and ready to fight. I haven't seen a squad in a long time that come any where near that kind of attack, why? because it is so much quicker and easier to lawndart a bunch of dweebs to do the heavy work. No fight, no skill, but they got another base!

I know I sound "bitter" and you might think I think the game sucks, but that is far from the truth. I flew for 6-8 hours yesterday and tho I did spend most of it chasing NOEs around I did get into some great fights. RAUH, Flyover, and Boxman in his 110 were some fun fights I had here and there. What I'm trying to do is let people know that there is so much more to this game that they are missing out on, or just blowing through.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2012, 10:53:59 PM »
They fail due to lack of skill, not because your defense is good. They had a mission and their skill wasn't up to the challenge of executing it. When goon drivers fly a strait path from one base to the other never turning even when attacked it is due to lack of skill, NOT your great aim at shooting it down. Dive bombers that either hit only half the time, or lawn dart even if they DO hit is lack of skill, not your defense. When a mission stutters due to a problem skilled players can react and pick up the slack and know what to do with out long explanations.

Todays players don't bother to learn the HOWS of the game. All they know or are taught is "Take lots of people with lots of bombs, sneak in and flatten everything. If the goon dies we re up on the other side of the map and try again". When was the last time you saw a squad spend a couple hours in the TA practicing dive bombing with 38s from 15k until everyone could do it with better than a 50% hit rate, and those same people practice on there own until they could do better than 75%? With 10 people that is like 24,000 lbs of explosive ON TARGET, with all 10 guys still alive and ready to fight. I haven't seen a squad in a long time that come any where near that kind of attack, why? because it is so much quicker and easier to lawndart a bunch of dweebs to do the heavy work. No fight, no skill, but they got another base!

I know I sound "bitter" and you might think I think the game sucks, but that is far from the truth. I flew for 6-8 hours yesterday and tho I did spend most of it chasing NOEs around I did get into some great fights. RAUH, Flyover, and Boxman in his 110 were some fun fights I had here and there. What I'm trying to do is let people know that there is so much more to this game that they are missing out on, or just blowing through.

what about your squad?  why dont we see them performing these missions?  actually why arent you organizing these missions?

and actually I dont think the game sucks, see I dont really care if I get a kill or we take a base.  I just come here to talk to some cool friends and shoot the breeze, the rest is secondary.


you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #35 on: May 28, 2012, 09:20:15 AM »
what about your squad?  why dont we see them performing these missions?  actually why arent you organizing these missions?

and actually I dont think the game sucks, see I dont really care if I get a kill or we take a base.  I just come here to talk to some cool friends and shoot the breeze, the rest is secondary.


Because time moves on. The 444th Air Mafia is still in the game because a player carries the name in memory of the squad. There are only 2 active players in the squad and they have flown a TOTAL of 4 hours this month. Many may remember "Mugz". He was CO of the Mafia for awhile and was also one of those players that logged on and the whole country started yelling for missions. So it was done.

I'm not saying that my squad was better.... even tho it really was  :neener: ... The point is that the skill level has gone down. I know the trainers are kept busy, but if people really wanted to learn this game well enough to play it really well, they wouldn't have time to rest they would be so overwhelmed with people looking to be trained. Now it's more important roll over a base, or HO/gang the cons than it is to learn how to do some of those crazy maneuvers like a hi-yo. I'd bet 50% players would think a "cuban 8" would be the 8 guys who made a crossing to Florida from Cuba in a home made boat in 1963.  :rolleyes:

Offline Hap

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #36 on: May 28, 2012, 10:09:27 AM »
They fail due to lack of skill, not because your defense is good. They had a mission and their skill wasn't up to the challenge of executing it. When goon drivers fly a strait path from one base to the other never turning even when attacked it is due to lack of skill, NOT your great aim at shooting it down. Dive bombers that either hit only half the time, or lawn dart even if they DO hit is lack of skill, not your defense. When a mission stutters due to a problem skilled players can react and pick up the slack and know what to do with out long explanations.

Today's players don't bother to learn the HOWS of the game. All they know or are taught is "Take lots of people with lots of bombs, sneak in and flatten everything. If the goon dies we re up on the other side of the map and try again". When was the last time you saw a squad spend a couple hours in the TA practicing dive bombing with 38s from 15k until everyone could do it with better than a 50% hit rate, and those same people practice on there own until they could do better than 75%? With 10 people that is like 24,000 lbs of explosive ON TARGET, with all 10 guys still alive and ready to fight. I haven't seen a squad in a long time that come any where near that kind of attack.  Why?  Because it is so much quicker and easier to lawndart a bunch of dweebs to do the heavy work. No fight, no skill, but they got another base!

Precisely so.

I do not usually fly with the flatten everything missions.  But when I see them posted, I may up and rally with them to see how things shake out.  I cannot number the times I've seen jabos dive in on hangars, and get two out of 4, or 3 out of 4 and then comes the call to strafe down the last one.  That being said, with the right guys, it's one pass and it's all done.  So there are guys out there, and more than few, who pull it off.

At least once a week, I'll shout out on country "who's sick of missing with their bombs?"  Usually, one or two will take me up on the offer to learn how to do it and rtb safely.  Sometimes more though will tag along.  I do the same with bomber missions.  Teach 'em how to do it right, and land successfully.

Now that's just the execution of a very simple act in Aces High: dive-bombing or level bombing accurately.  Not to mention the right vector in so nailing 4 ammo bunkers is made easy in 2 passes with a Pony for instance on a medium airfield.  Or the right vector when level bombing.

The other matter, and I'm with Fugitive entirely here is one of tactics and planning.  And part of that is the condition of the map and country status in real time.  If conditions make a certain type of assault highly improbable, then scrap the idea until numbers favor such a move.

Last night is a case in point.  Bish up north, when I logged in, were 90 mins from being rolled like carpet.  We were down 40 on in-flight numbers.  By the time, I had logged off, about 2 hrs later, all that I had seen would happen did.  Now.  That doesn't make me smart at all.  It's just what the map and country status dictates will happen until folks get sleepy and log for the night.  So then, what to do?  Hobbled by inaccurate dive-bombing as a player base, base porking becomes so very iffy unless it's a small airfield.  Even then, those 2 ords and 5 barracks can be slippery unless the pilots have got themselves into a position that interception while inbound becomes unlikely, and there's enough guys and 1 pass nails it all.  Which, happily did happen on a run I posted a few days ago against the Nits when they had huge numbers.  Wow.  It was like the old days.  Had 5 or 6 guys.  1 pass and all the ord and all 5 barracks were down.  Almost forgot what that was like.

So, if porking fields becomes a no-go against huge numbers, then fiter's nailing buffs and fat jabos becomes the next move.  But at a 40+ disadvantage, at that point, the battle is lost.  Had fun though even so.  Got a few kills.  Landed successfully.

Lastly, with the reduction of field elements down time to 45 mins from 2 hours (without manual resupply), I don't know that porking would have bought the Bish enough time.  But when the sun has set, that's what a country is vying for.  If we could have deprived the Rooks of their barracks and bombs for 2 hrs, the whole thing would have bogged down, on the Rook side, to a point and shoot free for all.  But that did not happen.  I was quite pleased by the Rooks play, for the map showed a good 2 pronged assault on two different northern tactical bases.  And as their numbers grew, a 3rd assault target looked like it was fixin' to take place.  They used their numerical advantage wisely rather than bringing 50 guys to one base.  So good for them.

What astonishes me is both "how it came to pass" and "what" the common mentality seems to be these days.  So inside of 40 mins, field A is going to get rolled, and not only field A but several more along that front for example.  So the hue and cry arises, "Save field A!"  And green planes go aloft.  What I don't see on country channel is a competing cry with sufficient numbers who urge the destruction of those field elements on enemy fields X & Y from which the peril of an entire front collapsing originates.

And that might be due entirely to the point Fugitive is making.  It takes a tad of planning.  More than a bit of patience to be high enough and fast enough to make being bounced on the way in semi-unlikely, and once there to be able to deliver the goods in a single pass.

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2012, 10:55:27 AM »
And they say small squad don't stand a chance, so they MUST join the horde to be effective. Nope, 6 guys can cripple <---- yes I said cripple an attack by sending 2 guys to 3 bases to pork  troops and ammo. Like HAP said it slows the attack. A small squad can do just that and give their country time to get their feet back under them. Of course that should signal the other team to start rolling supplies to get their offensive back on. Look at all the opportunities for combat that creates!  :x

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #38 on: May 28, 2012, 11:07:04 AM »
Because time moves on. The 444th Air Mafia is still in the game because a player carries the name in memory of the squad. There are only 2 active players in the squad and they have flown a TOTAL of 4 hours this month. Many may remember "Mugz". He was CO of the Mafia for awhile and was also one of those players that logged on and the whole country started yelling for missions. So it was done.

I'm not saying that my squad was better.... even tho it really was  :neener: ... The point is that the skill level has gone down. I know the trainers are kept busy, but if people really wanted to learn this game well enough to play it really well, they wouldn't have time to rest they would be so overwhelmed with people looking to be trained. Now it's more important roll over a base, or HO/gang the cons than it is to learn how to do some of those crazy maneuvers like a hi-yo. I'd bet 50% players would think a "cuban 8" would be the 8 guys who made a crossing to Florida from Cuba in a home made boat in 1963.  :rolleyes:

what about you personally, why dont you organize these missions?  why dont you start a training program to up our skill level instead of just complaining about how good it was in the old days.  I have been here for 6 or 7 years and I keep hearing about how the skill level has gone down, if this was true nobody would even know how to start the engine on take off and that is on auto.  hordes have been around since i joined and will be around after I leave the game, just like people complaining about how the game should be played were around before I joined and will be around after I leave.

and I dont really care to know what a cuban 8 is as I dont smoke.  all I care about is last night we started a furball that lasted for several hours and was lots of fun.  some really good players on both sides around.  kindda like those good batles you are always talking about that never happen.  and the same thing happened the night before come to think of it.

dont just sit around wishing and whining do something about it  :salute.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline bustr

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #39 on: May 28, 2012, 01:52:56 PM »

Guess you were there for JSO in AH1 300+ players from a single side swamping the map. Very well organised efforts but, that got us ENY. Then the era of organised NOE missions by everyone on all 3 sides. That got us really mindless hoards and a change in towns and how a map was won. Then the muppets valient attempt for a few years to force the general MA players into less lame ACM play by beating the snot out of them all over the map and trying to shame them in every manner possible from ch200 into this forum. And the ultimate evolutionary answer to the muppets, dogfight's prodengy the vTards and where we are now.

All of these mini era's in the game produced their own good times and detractors. The detractions were always harkening back to some golden age of the game where fights were more noble and missions were run by strategic geniuses followed by an airforce of veterens who could read the mission leader's mind while carrying out their assignments in clockwork heroic fashion. Or something was fundimentaly wrong with the game and it should be changed to anything but what it currently was.

When you finaly got to the heart of the detractors storys they pretty much were of two kinds. The game had changed. Their old time friends remembered as titans of the arenas are gone, and they are alone. Now they want to change the game back to what they remembered when titans flew in the arenas. Or, the game some how does not fit the new player in the first few years who reacts by wanting HTC to scrap the current offering in favor of any other style of offering while poorly communicating their disconnect.

And then there are the rest of us who make lemonaid with HTC's lemons and bootleg our own vodka into the mix and have fun. Everyone knows how to play this game just fine for themselves without other's play standards imposed on them in an attempt to fit their own needs. This isn't smokeing needing Prohibitionism imposing regulations to save everyone from themselves. The game ain't broken. Time has just moved along again. Experiment with a new lemonaid recipe and some of those high end flavored vodkas. This is akin to mixing up your bedroom olympics to put some spice back your marraige.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #40 on: May 28, 2012, 03:13:10 PM »
I am actually putting out a challenge to fugitive.  he has a lot of followers and friends, if the way the game is played is not really to his liking or perhaps he could improve on it then act on it.  I am all for a change to the game.  I have been listening to him for a couple of years and yet I have not seen a mission he posts according to his standards.  not trying to insult him but more to encourage him to act upon his ideas.

there's nothing to stop anybody from getting some friends who have friends who have friends and make some good missions.  however sitting back and writing about how it should be done but doing nothing about it, well it aint so cool.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline bustr

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #41 on: May 28, 2012, 05:02:22 PM »

Some want Hitech to make changes to reignite their love affair with this game like they fondly remember it. Or, the rest are too busy in the arenas playing the game to know about these conversations in this forum while busily driving the game over the cliff.

You will have more luck challenging Waystin to pick the biggest fight he can anywhere in the arenas and lead us into the middel of it to make lemonaid while we pour vodka on it. I suspect Fugi and those who agree with him want Hitech to realise the wisdom of their observations. Then change the game to impose an enlightened mode of game play on everyone for the common good of the ideal called Aces High. Too much freedom is not good for those with too little self discipline while lacking the benifit of a larger grander picture of the ideal all could benifit from if followed.

We clueless masses are ruining the game being allowed to play however we choose in any manner we feel achives our short term selfish goals.

Almost sounds like someone running for president or interviewing for Chanclor of Amherst......
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2012, 07:26:28 PM »
I am actually putting out a challenge to fugitive.  he has a lot of followers and friends, if the way the game is played is not really to his liking or perhaps he could improve on it then act on it.  I am all for a change to the game.  I have been listening to him for a couple of years and yet I have not seen a mission he posts according to his standards.  not trying to insult him but more to encourage him to act upon his ideas.

there's nothing to stop anybody from getting some friends who have friends who have friends and make some good missions.  however sitting back and writing about how it should be done but doing nothing about it, well it aint so cool.


Id love to, but where are all of these "friends and followers"? At most I'm "that cartoon guy", or "that old guy stuck in the past". I ran missions and a squad for over 3 years. I stepped down because I wanted to take a brake and let others lead. I find it fun "following" some one else mission. See how they plan it out, run it, adapt to changes. I don't have the time I use to put into the game, nor am I a recognized leader in the game. Like I said, at most they may know me as the cartoon guy. Now, if Way logs on a calls out a mission I'm willing to bet he gets more takers than just pigs. Now what he does with those resources I don't know. Does he load up a plan and assign targets, or does him.... as someone posted recently... say "I want that base!" and ya'll just go out a get it?


Some want Hitech to make changes to reignite their love affair with this game like they fondly remember it. Or, the rest are too busy in the arenas playing the game to know about these conversations in this forum while busily driving the game over the cliff.

You will have more luck challenging Waystin to pick the biggest fight he can anywhere in the arenas and lead us into the middel of it to make lemonaid while we pour vodka on it. I suspect Fugi and those who agree with him want Hitech to realise the wisdom of their observations. Then change the game to impose an enlightened mode of game play on everyone for the common good of the ideal called Aces High. Too much freedom is not good for those with too little self discipline while lacking the benifit of a larger grander picture of the ideal all could benifit from if followed.

We clueless masses are ruining the game being allowed to play however we choose in any manner we feel achives our short term selfish goals.

Almost sounds like someone running for president or interviewing for Chanclor of Amherst......

Buster you sound like your someone who is happy to be stuck with the "status quo", does change bother you? I see a very watered down version of the game being played and just hope to to point out options that many either don't know about, or understand how to use them. Your telling me your content hitting bases that have no resistance and so are capture in the first pass. Your content defending against the horde by picking off lemmin after lemmin in a line that have no clue how to maneuver, let alone fight back? Your content to see the spawn camp at V135 as the only place anyone uses tanks on that map?

Not me, I'm am not content because I know there is so much more. I am happy with the game, I enjoy it very much and continue to add my small subscription fees to HTC coffers because you just can't find this kind of fun for that kind of money, but content, I don't think so. Many are not content with the plane selection, see all the plane requests in the wish list forum. The same goes for maps, weather, and many other things. I'm just like everyone else, I just want all the game has to offer to be used as it was designed to be used.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Carrier Mission Launche's
« Reply #43 on: May 28, 2012, 08:55:30 PM »
fugitive take advantage of being the cartoon guy.  I bet lots of guys would follow you if you started creating missions.  you arent as popular as me, last time I made a mission i brought field supplies to the base.  they still make me cry when they bring it up.  that and the time i brought troops to resupply hq.

point is doing is better than just sitting back and talking.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.