I don't think anyone really feels that way - in MA or scenario combat at least, if you don't make every effort to avoid taking a shot to the face then you're doing it wrong
Sure they do. Otherwise, why are they complaining about being HOed? Who else is to blame for putting them in front of the enemy's guns?
What I was (obviously) pointing out is that this thread is full of weak excuses for the lazy and unskilled.
In an online game, that describes the majority of players.
Your comment above just contributes to that. Players who are bad at dogfighting/ACM are defending their crappy flying and desperate attempts to score kills without needing to use their brains or have any skill, with comments like "It was an oft-used tactic in real life", "Everyone HOs me so I'm just returning the favour", "It's the way bad players can get a chance to kill the good ones"
They're all points. Not ones I happen to believe carry much weight, but they're there.
and "It's their fault for being in front of me".
That, however, carries a lot of weight. If someone HOs me, who do I get to blame for putting the plane in the guy's gunsight? I'm pretty sure I'm the only one controlling my plane.
This is all well and good if that's the way you want to play the game (personally I can't even understand why someone would subscribe just to fly like that, but to each his own I guess), but it's just lazy and means you'll never improve.
What is lazy about not giving the guy a decent HO shot in the first place? It's up to you to avoid enemy fire, regardless of where it comes from.
The HO detractors often seem to be saying 'I'm an awesome cartoon pile-it, as long as the enemy doesn't HO me.' ...Well maybe you should devote some of that time you put in learning ACM to 'avoiding the HO'.
I'm a below average fighter pilot but I at least try to get better at the game and don't just fly around with my brain turned off face shooting everything. What we see in this thread is players who suck at the game, don't care to get any better, and are rationalizing their crappy playstyle to make themselves feel better because they know everyone with a modicum of skill holds them in contempt. And deep down, they probably hold themselves in contempt too, otherwise why the attempts to defend HOing and make it out to be something other than what it is? ;o
The way I see it, the people whining about being HOed put their plane in the wrong place at the wrong time, and are seeking justification for being shot down.