what is wrong with you. everything is so clean, no ashtrays or trash on the floor and no beer/alcohol anywhere. you cant build a computer like that?
Well, I gave up smoking 15 years ago, but the beer frig is full
Also, this is only the "unpacking" phase. I did spend 10 minutes chasing little peanuts of styrofoam around the house.
Which i7 did you get? And how much ram?
I got the 3770K in the LGA1155, only 8 gigs of ram for now, but knew I could add more later.
Skuzzy gave me a great piece of advice when I built my rig in February - TAKE YOUR TIME!
Took me an entire day (haven't built a rig in over 10 years...was fun learning to read Chinese english instruction manuals)
Everything was cake except for the heat sink which I never used, or SSD drives for the I7's cache.
Thanks, building one is easy. After building video games, and rebuilding pinballs and all other kind of vending machines the actual "build" is a piece of cake. The part I hate is getting it setup like I like it, and all the right software installed an updated. A week down the road I always end up with a list of things I forgot to add.