Minnie the Transvestite Cockatiel.
She has been in my family for five years after my previous parrot Artu (named after R2-D2) was killed after a kitchen fire forced my dad to run outside with Artu on his shoulder, Artu, spooked by the flames flew off. There was a storm later that night that a domesticated bird could not survive. Mom, decided that she couldn't live without a parrot in the house. And so we found this little monster.
We had several to chose from, boys and girls. We had to pick one.
The boys whistled and looked striking while the girls sat composed socialising with eachother, interacting with us when approached but paying us no mind... except one.
The most colourful of the girls, and the biggest of them, and as it would seem the most energetic, wandered over the kitchen surface, engineered a wierd semi assisted jump and landed on mums stomach .... WHILE STANDING. She then proceeded to rocket climb UP mum and then CLIMBED DOWN her shoulder and start furiously wrestling with her wedding ring. While doing that she noticed dads watch, JUMPED FROM PERSON TO PERSON. And then began trying to chew the strap. When we swatted her... she immediately ran up arms and started talking to us, whistling and so on.
It was no contest who we chose to take home.
We asked why she was so colourful as guys are generally the only ones with significant colour. She is a Pied, meaning she has male feathers but a female anatomy... so we named her Minnie the Tranny. And the name has stuck.
She and I were rivals for mums attention most of the time, and she became that, annoying little sister no one likes...
Then mum died of a Heart attack and Minnie and I were left together with only eachother for company (besides dad, who minnie REALLY doesn't like), SHe is my little birdie, and now my best friend. And treats me like every woman treats a young teenager with a fast mouth and an attitude... contempt.