Author Topic: "Starter" plane (s)  (Read 9094 times)

Offline Slummer

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"Starter" plane (s)
« on: June 22, 2012, 09:05:58 AM »
What would be a reasonable choice to start  with ?  Looking for something that can keep up with the pack so i don't get myself isolated and out of my depth.
That's all I've been doing so far, staying in the pack and trying to work out what the hell I'm doing   :)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2012, 09:10:34 AM »
Best bet is to hook up with a trainer, so you don't need the pack. That being said, the spit16 is the easiest plane to fly and kill in. It has good guns, good speed, and good turning ability. There is also no need for flap work in it so it is easy to fly.

Offline titanic3

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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2012, 09:19:11 AM »
Hurricane 2C

Spit-16 like Fug said, can do just about anything, jack of all trades.
Hurricane2C is slow, but guns are superb, turning is superb and a very forgiving plane to fly (no nasty stalls, no difficult guns)
Ki-84 is basically a Japanese version of a Spit-16 with slightly worse guns (worse ballistics, faster rate of fire meaning you'll go through ammo faster if you're a beginner). Can do just about everything except dive.
N1K2, tons of ammo, 4x cannons, decent turn, decent climb, mediocre speed, also very forgiving.
La-7, second fastest prop plane, 3 cannons, climb is one of the best, mediocre turn, dives great, will catch almost all planes on the deck. Guns are hard to aim and fires fast so it'll force you to conserve ammo and improve your aim.

  the game is concentrated on combat, not on shaking the screen.


Offline Debrody

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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2012, 09:28:55 AM »
Spit16 on your first two weeks to learn the very basic ACMs, then an La7 for a month to figure out how to use the flaps to overshoot a turnyer opponent, then the 109 g-6 for 3-4 months. Of course, it isnt working without an experienced and patient trainer. Duel a lot, thats the fundament of everything.

This is what i did, worked well.
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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2012, 10:02:50 AM »
Id hop in the k4.  If you can aim that as being new to tbe game youll learn to shoot :)
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Offline Midway

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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2012, 10:08:51 AM »

Spitfire MK VIII, has way more fuel than the spit16, turns better, and climbs awesome fast.    :aok

And when enemy sees your Spit8, they'll keep a bit of distance worried it might be me.   :D
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 10:14:06 AM by Midway »

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Offline Bruv119

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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2012, 10:18:14 AM »
109k4, 109G6,  LA7 and P51D  should about cover it.  

Use something that will help you learn turning, like a brewster or A6M and then the faster planes like the P51D, LA7 and 190D for bore and zoom tactics.  Each plane has it's strengths and if you experiment with all of them you should start figuring out what tactics to employ in various situations.

The spitfires are a little too fragile for the newer player and you will only get grief from regular players for killing them whilst still in your 2 week trial  ;)
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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2012, 10:21:18 AM »
109k4, 109G6,  LA7 and P51D  should about cover it.  

Use something that will help you learn turning, like a brewster or A6M and then the faster planes like the P51D, LA7 and 190D for bore and zoom tactics.  Each plane has it's strengths and if you experiment with all of them you should start figuring out what tactics to employ in various situations.

The spitfires are a little too fragile for the newer player and you will only get grief from players for killing them whilst still in your 2 week trial  ;)

Just ignore what I said.   Bruv has spoken and is way more worth listening to than me.   :aok

Spitfires are not that easy because they are more fragile and harder for them to run when the situation calls for it. 

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Offline waystin2

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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2012, 11:05:18 AM »
The plane to learn is the one that interest you the most.  Spend sometime reading up on the different planes, variants, etc. 
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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2012, 03:44:33 PM »
I second the Spit8. You can't really run from most of the planeset so you learn a little about fighting.
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.

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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2012, 03:50:35 PM »
I second the Spit8. You can't really run from most of the planeset so you learn a little about fighting.

 :old: Bruv has already spoken.

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Offline SIK1

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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2012, 04:29:40 PM »
I second the Spit8. You can't really run from most of the planeset so you learn a little about fighting.

Another one for the spit8. It has great climb, good guns, though a relatively short clip, and is reasonably maneuverable.
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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2012, 05:29:05 PM »
give it a rest Midway....

to the OP...what you need to think about is what do you want to accomplish in game?????

to you want to become the bomber king? fighter jock of the year? do you want to be a general and attack the map and win wars?

there is a lot in AH to do...once you figure that out, then choose a suitable plane IE TOOL for the job, I can only help with the "fighter" portion of AH....the best fighter in MO is the KI-84 it does everything good or better,it is not quite an "easy mode" the one thing it lacks is High speed, over 500 and pieces start to come running is not an option for the most part.

spitfires are an easier plane to use more forgiving but they also teach you bad habits that will be hard to break.

stay out of the gang that also teaches you nothing.  go to DA/TA and just fight as much as you can...if you like the MA do the same thing there, fight.....dont run, running teaches you nothing.

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2012, 07:04:06 PM »
Another one for the spit8. It has great climb, good guns, though a relatively short clip, and is reasonably maneuverable.

Yeah but...

... hasn't Bruv already spoken?

I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

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Re: "Starter" plane (s)
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2012, 08:01:48 PM »
First, I recommend getting the fundamentals of flight and BFM down and well versed

Then you will be able to use what you have learned and continue to learn......
regardless of what choice of plane you pick

btw,  I would take the spit 8 or 9, over the spit16

Hope this helps

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