If there's noticeable performance differences, then sure I'd support them. Maybe not as high as an F8 update, since I'm highly unlikely to fly most of that stuff, but if there's a real solid difference in performance, and not just "well, technically its a spit 9, but in performance and handling its identical to the spit 16" crap, then sure.
Only reason the A8 is on my list is because it appears as though we have combination of a mid variant, and an up-armored later variant.
Give us the extra engine power and all those fancy fuel additives and MW boost and what not cleared for use with the up-armored A8's, and I won't say another word. But if HTC is going to fix A 190, might as well see if can get them to split it into its two contributing variants, and update the others in weapons, or whatever we might need.
E-7 is only on there because it wouldn't take much, and would be useful for special events, so we wouldn't have to use a mix of E-4's and F-4's.
G-10 is only on there because I loved the G-10, and would like to see it back, even if it won't be quite the quasi-K4 it was back we had it. And if you're going to ask, don't be shy!