Author Topic: Joy stick mapping.  (Read 537 times)

Offline nate617

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Joy stick mapping.
« on: June 26, 2012, 02:27:03 PM »

advised to post here about mapping my joystick. I have a and wandered what to use the buttons for. The throttle slider is sorted and the rudder is on the twist stick. I did a search but was a bit confusing or very old information.

Thank you for any help you can offer,


Offline FLS

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Re: Joy stick mapping.
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2012, 03:42:09 PM »
Rather than copy someone else's setup I suggest you map the functions you use the most to the buttons that are easiest to reach. You don't need to map them all at once. Start with the essentials like your vox button, flaps, auto pilot, wep, weapon select, weapon release, view hat and up view modifier, and add others as needed until you've mapped them all. Functions you use once or twice per flight like engine start and gear can be left on the keyboard for now.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Joy stick mapping.
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2012, 03:51:59 PM »
Well, going by FLS's list (which is a good start by the way) uses up 8 of your 12 buttons. Save the other 4 until later. Once in the game a bit you may notice which keys your always looking for on the keyboard. Those will be the ones you'll need to add. It may be tough to choose which ones you will add, seeing as you have so few, but like anything else, you'll get use to it.

Good luck, and welcome to Aces High

Offline deadstikmac

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Re: Joy stick mapping.
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2012, 02:13:22 PM »
 :banana: I am sending this from my phone so forgive me for grammer...

So you have a joystick really similar to mine and here is what i have found to work well for me. I also just started playing less than a week ago.

The tophat worked the view which i use the mouse for so i said to myself what do i use the most DURING flight that would help...

Top Hat Up - plane goes into autoclimb
Top Hat Down - plane goes into lvl auto flight
Top Hat Right - landing gear up/down
Top Hat Left - tailhook up/down

There are two buttons to the right of my tophat which i use for my flaps the top button is flaps up and the bottem is flaps down

On the base of my joystick i have 9 buttons which are as follows

The button closest to me we will call the bottom or south portion of the joystick. The south west button is for my VOX Xmit on vox channel if i need to talk to country i use the f12 for RangeVOX Xmit

The south east buttonbrings my clipboard max and min

After that the rest is pretty much open... I also have mapd my system damage display and general informations displays to the other keys and im not using a few at the moment.

Why I have things this way...
In flight I use the mouse to 6check so view binds did me no good but in a slow speed turns it was groovey to deploy flaps and not have to look at the keyboard... Same with landing I can just keep one hand on the throttle and feather it in and the whole time never take my focus off the screen to look for a key on the keyboard. (i play alot at night in the dark for total feel of being inside that plane) I do run carrier ops with a Squad and found out about tailhook deployment the hardway so putting it oppist of gears only made sence. I am in agreence with the other guys in the fact... Fly Fly Fly and see what your using alot during flight that takes your conencration and focus off your target and use those on your stick for keybindings. Even if it a second thats enough time for a plane to roll and get into a blind spot on your canopy and break away so your eyes not comming off the screen during combat are the keys id look to bind first. Not the map and vox and silly stuff that does not HELP your combat effectiveness.

From one greenhorn too another i hope this helps.


Offline deadstikmac

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Re: Joy stick mapping.
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2012, 02:24:23 PM »

I forgot to mention...

Trigger i have set for fire all guns.

There are two buttons on the left of my tophat which i have set as follows...
Top Button - Cycles weapons pri and secondary (important see *)
Bottom fires priamary weapon

*now i also have a button below those which i use for fire secondary and why this was important to me is because i fly with droptanks... To jetty them you switch to your secondary weapon and fire it. What that does is during take off and alt climb i can load out 50% fuel and a droptank... Climb tolt on droptank fuel and get to zone then jettison them to getrid of the extra drag but it is as if i never spent any fuel out of what i calc my flight time to be in duration. Aslo going from small ords to my rockets and back to ords then to main guns because im diving on a tank then fight a plane then dive on another ground vehicle ect... You see what im sayin.
