All one needs to do is read a little George Orwell, 1984 and search out double speak. We have witnessed nothing more then a propaganda change and sadly so many are buying it. We have spent over a decade being told "man-made global warming." The problem, there has been no statistically significant warming since the late 1990s. This is even acknowledged by those that advocate "global warming." Since they have spent a decade plus pushing this and it doesn't work, now they have shifted to "man-made climate change." It is no longer 'global warming,' because it is not happening. FACT! So now, no change in temp at all but man is still guilty.
In fact, Dr Hansen just admitted to the medi-evil mini-ice age, something the 'global warming' crew denied for over two decades. Now, we are back in a soviet-sytle revolutionary change for the sake of change without any real changing taking place. Get's hot, mans fault; get's cold, mans fault; hurricanes, man's fault, too much rain, mans fault; etc, etc, etc.
For the kids on this thread, there are those of us who have watched this going back to the 1980's, some before this. You show up with a few years of history and repeat what you don't know. Sadly, this is one of those situations where you don't even know what you don't know. I suggest sitting back and reading a bit more history.
PS Holes in the Ozone as the man-made theory of global redistribution of wealth ended in the mid-1990s, replace by the current theory, which was replaced by the most recent theory.