Ah... the old reproductive rights argument..
I like to equate this to a very simple analogy...
Who needs the protective equipment, the pitcher or the catcher? If the pitcher crosses up the catcher with an unexpected pitch, clocking the catcher in the noodle, the pitcher bares the bulk of the responsibility. However, if the catcher has the proper protective equipment, there's no harm done.. So it is in the debate relative to reproductive rights.
People choose their lifestyles, and those lifestyles have consequences, sometimes positive, more often, negative. It boils down to behavior.
I raised two girls and I taught them that they ultimately have to be responsible for their decisions. As they approach their 30s (28 and 29), no unplanned children, no out of marriage pregnancies. Why? Because they took to heart the concept that they are responsible for their own selves.
The Constitution charges the government with the task of protecting the right to bear arms, and the SCOTUS has affirmed that to be a common citizen's right. There is no right to an abortion, not even the most wild exaggeration of the Bill of Rights can be construed to say that. This is why Roe v Wade will eventually be overturned. Maybe not within the next 10 years, but it's coming. A recent national poll shows that more than 60% of the American people believe that abortion is wrong.
I won't judge people on their life choices. I will, however, insist that they accept responsibility for those choices. To repeat the John Wayne quote I posted above; "Life's tough. It's tougher when you're stupid".