We are capitolist greifers with the attention spans of gnats.
Pay players something tangable for hitting the strats and make the results of letting the strats be hit, bite that country's shiney metal kester with tungsten spikes.
Since the strategic choke hold door has been set slightly ajar......
1.) Pay the bomber pilots in a 262 or B29 if they get their bomber home. Even update the kill message for a succesful strat mission landing after hitting it: George earned a 262 in a B17 of Greifers Are Us.
2.) Put something in the strat worth griefing the targeted country for. Let the targeted country lose their perk rides air\land by having the cost increased exponential to a factory being shut down. When that factory is 100% down no perk rides until it's resupplied or rebuilds. This will keep the greifers bombing. And actualy flying their hard earned 262 or B29 is a double edged sword.
3.) Adjust the perk ride factory down time so it won't keep perk rides out of reach for more than 30 minutes if bombers and resuppliers ignore it. 10-15 minutes if a resupply effort is mounted like getting radar back with the HQ.
The down sides to all of this......
If the strat really only benifits the bombers and resupplyers by giving them more resupply points and a tangable feedback that the targeted country is slowly being affected via the (.dt) command. Fighter pilots and spawn campers won't care what happens to their country becasue their world is tied up in a very narrow short term reward focus. If they don't personaly loose something dramaticly that effects their short term foci, they won't defend the strats over the long term. HQ resupply to get country DAR back gets fighter pilots into C47 in the blink of an eye. But, good stable furballs between two fields takes time to generate and are a frakkin dork when someone steps on them when you are in the furballing groove.
Anything that can get them involved will also be exploited to greif them just becasue it can be done if the rewards are big enough.
Making the game about defending the strats makes the game uncomfortable. You begin to loose the choice of how you want to have fun to being controlled by the strats condition at any given moment. You would have to plan your fun around allocating efforts to the strat first, then to anything else including winning the war by what resources are available to you by the strat's health. That would be a bit too much like being in a real war or playing FSO 7 nights a week. The largest squads would have a maginified organizational influence over how others enjoy the game versus the generic free for all that makes the MA attractive for fun seeking.
It's a BITE getting your face rubbed in it when you really want to be doing something else more fun.