Author Topic: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?  (Read 3205 times)

Offline bangsbox

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Re: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?
« Reply #90 on: September 22, 2012, 01:39:35 AM »
I ran into this last night, 5 guys at 20k vs my 109G6 at 7k....... I didn't even manage to tag one, they all just bounced me at same time.

Good for them, teamwork is important, but at least give the guy a fighting chance.

we have a lot of hi alt craft, so it makes sense for them to be there...though i cant wait to get that high i fight above 7-15k during bomber intercepts and scenarios

Offline Debrody

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Re: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?
« Reply #91 on: September 22, 2012, 04:16:39 AM »
we have a lot of hi alt craft, so it makes sense for them to be there...though i cant wait to get that high i fight above 7-15k during bomber intercepts and scenarios
You have completely missed his point.
The problem isnt in the 20k flying. Where the pain starts, many people just grab the fastest long range ride, spend 8-10 mins climbing, then tag team everyone or run like the wind towards the nearest friendly when the situation gets even. Since it have become very common in the MAs, its a pain in the arse to find a good old fashioned furball, let it be 1v1, 2v2, or 15v15, on the deck or at 15k.

EZPkns: this game is about the contact between the players. Your points makes no sense for me.
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Offline chris3

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Re: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?
« Reply #92 on: September 22, 2012, 06:40:21 AM »

that means if one of the 15vs15 dies the rest should end the fight? because its not fair ;)

i dont see it as bad as you, i always find good fights. when im get banged its mostly near a enemy base on the deack after attackin 2-3 enemys hehe.

cu christian

Offline Debrody

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Re: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?
« Reply #93 on: September 22, 2012, 06:54:28 AM »
Nope Chris, i can handle a 2v1 in a 109 or a 4v1 in a spit in that case if they are not tag teaming. Couse thats pretty much disgusting, boring and takes no skills at all.
And yup when im fighting with someone and a friendly is jumping in, i usually just leave the opponent. Not expecting the same tho.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 06:57:39 AM by Debrody »
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Offline R 105

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Re: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?
« Reply #94 on: September 22, 2012, 07:31:26 AM »
Missions wouldn't be such a bad thing if they fought one another. I watched last night as two missions flew within a half a sector of each other and didn't engage. They were both more concerned about bombing stuff that doesn't shoot back rather than killing each other.

The nature of MA maps favor offense rather than defense because of the short distance between the fields. It might take you 30 minutes or longer to put together a 50 man mission. Since the standard heavy 51 mission (lets say 30 strong) can get to a base and flatten it in ten minutes, the offense has a heavy advantage in numbers on target (lack of time to defend since players aren't waiting in the hangar to see where the mole pops up next) and then sustained cap since the base and town can be closed in a single pass with eggs to spare.

The SOLE purpose of this game is to engage other players in combat. Avoiding head on engagements so you can bomb inanimate objects with impunity and take away any chance the enemy has to defend whatsoever is not in line with the purpose stated above. But it's your fifteen bucks so do what you want.

Whether you fly a tight formation or not is completely irrelevant.

 The very word Mission should answer why two Missions did not engage. If the object is to kill a town and land troops or lay waste to a base or bring back 200 sliders from White Castle then that is what you do. Accomplishing the Mission is all you are focusing on. If you start to bleed off from that mission to engage in personal combat then the very purpose of staging a large forces becomes lost. Anyone who has served in the Military has heard Accomplish The Mission and knows what I am talking about. As for hordes (Overwhelming Forces) that to is text book Military operations. Like Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest said get there first with the most.

Offline icepac

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Re: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?
« Reply #95 on: September 22, 2012, 07:39:32 AM »
I take bases because they have some strategic value that I want to use.

That is why I can't stand watching 27 green dots hovering over a useless small field with no value or outgoing tank spawns while the enemy is taking one of our large fields that has a 5,000 foot field elevation and 3 tank spawns into enemy fields.

Offline R 105

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Re: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?
« Reply #96 on: September 22, 2012, 08:00:16 AM »
I take bases because they have some strategic value that I want to use.

That is why I can't stand watching 27 green dots hovering over a useless small field with no value or outgoing tank spawns while the enemy is taking one of our large fields that has a 5,000 foot field elevation and 3 tank spawns into enemy fields.
Very good point and the answer is a very large number of players ether do not understand military strategy or don't care about the over all objective of the game. (Win The Map) The sole propose of many players is personal gain in the way of points and their name in lights. I myself am a team player but that is me and remember it is their $14.95 and they can do what they want. This is the me generation after all.

Offline ink

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Re: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?
« Reply #97 on: September 22, 2012, 08:01:38 AM »
Very good point and the answer is a very large number of players ether do not understand military strategy or don't care about the over all objective of the game. (Win The Map) The sole propose of many players is personal gain in the way of points and their name in lights. I myself am a team player but that is me and remember it is their $14.95 and they can do what they want. This is the me generation after all.

 :rofl :rofl

Offline Debrody

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Re: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?
« Reply #98 on: September 22, 2012, 08:07:27 AM »
Very good point and the answer is a very large number of players ether do not understand military strategy or don't care about the over all objective of the game. (Win The Map) The sole propose of many players is personal gain in the way of points and their name in lights. I myself am a team player but that is me and remember it is their $14.95 and they can do what they want. This is the me generation after all.
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Offline LilMak

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Re: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?
« Reply #99 on: September 22, 2012, 08:50:21 AM »
The very word Mission should answer why two Missions did not engage. If the object is to kill a town and land troops or lay waste to a base or bring back 200 sliders from White Castle then that is what you do. Accomplishing the Mission is all you are focusing on. If you start to bleed off from that mission to engage in personal combat then the very purpose of staging a large forces becomes lost. Anyone who has served in the Military has heard Accomplish The Mission and knows what I am talking about. As for hordes (Overwhelming Forces) that to is text book Military operations. Like Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest said get there first with the most.

I guess this is a valid point except one glaring error. What we do in the MA isn't war at all. To equate what happens in the MA to actual war is laughable. This is a game where the objective is fun though interaction with other players. If you're purpose is to avoid other players, you're missing the entire point of being logged on to an internet based game.

By the way, if I'm on the way to White Castle and I see Krystal selling sliders two for one, I'm adjusting my mission objectives on the fly.
"When caught by the enemy in large force the best policy is to fight like hell until you can decide what to do next."
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Offline thndregg

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Re: A horde or just not discipline formation flying?
« Reply #100 on: September 22, 2012, 08:58:46 AM »
The sole propose of many players is personal gain in the way of points and their name in lights. I myself am a team player but that is me and remember it is their $14.95 and they can do what they want. This is the me generation after all.

I'd like to think I play for fun, win or lose. Points? Heh! :rolleyes: I wish my years of amassed perk points were real money! Name in lights? Yeah, it's nice to be recognized, but I get more of a kick being recognized in the real world for real talent (someday hopefully making real money at it, too  :rock ).

"Me" generation? If that is your narrow perception, so be it. Since I first subscribed in '04, I've witnessed a lot of players in this game not only try to have fun themselves, but actively try to offer that fun out to others by being good sports and be supportive of each other (teammates and opponents alike). Doesn't matter if you suck in fighters (like me), there's always some way to have fun and enjoy the comradery that exists here.
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