Author Topic: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?  (Read 7933 times)

Offline LCADolby

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #300 on: September 27, 2012, 11:29:34 PM »
Considering the fact you left TG for that very same reason you have made yourself look that much more ignorant.

Carry on Dolby.  :rofl  :aok

I did? :huh
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Offline zack1234

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #301 on: September 28, 2012, 03:09:18 AM »
Everyone here, needs to:

A. Act their age.

B. Cease this endless mudslinging.

C. Calm, the hell, down.

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Pipz lived in the Wilderness near Ontario

Offline zack1234

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #302 on: September 28, 2012, 03:10:45 AM »
Give me one good reason why you guys didn't do this gay drama queen act of yours in private? Huh? I don't blame Skuzzy for leaving; I really don't!

Hi GS hows your bunker?
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Pipz lived in the Wilderness near Ontario

Offline nrshida

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #303 on: September 28, 2012, 04:07:23 AM »
Of all the points I raised, the only one you chose to engage was the issue of whether you were booted or resigned?   :rolleyes:

"But I will let you do the honours rather than kick you". - Bruv119

Yes you sure showed him didn't you Bone, you positively left when you were good and ready didn't you? Come on, he handed you the pistol with one bullet in it.

I chose my boys.

Well of course you did, someone with an agenda like yours must value loyalty above everything else, such as integrity for example. In the same way you immediately closed ranks and booted people off your Top Gun server to protect Madhogg and his LYING. Unquestioning loyalty is the first step to divide the world into haters and supporters. The fact is you let those young boys take the heat for your detestable behaviour, they'd have done practically anything for you because they were mesmerised with you, so beating your chest and screaming loyalty doesn't really enhance your character now does it. They should've stayed and you should have been booted out on your ear.

Now that they've matured and learned what you are all about, do you think they'd do it again?

Need more pm's?

Ooooh selected PMs from the huge DrBone collection scary! A classic DrBone veiled threat. Post all the PMs you want, I'd be enthralled to read through the lines with what I know about you now. I have PMs too, perhaps we could swap.

You like 2 others were in violation of rules put in place by Skuzzy don't follow those rules then you pay the price.

Was I? Well that would be for Skuzzy to deliberate over and not you, because outside of your mind we are in fact all equal here, you me and Dolby for instance (remember, the one you tried to put in his place).

What you will never understand DrBone, is that some ethical issues are worth fighting and sacrificing for. If the price I pay for outing your actions publicly, queering the Aces High pitch for you now and in the future so everyone knows what you're about, your agenda and actions, is that I get banned from this BBS, then it's a price I will happily pay.

The side effect for you of course is that you failed to follow the rules of common decency, mutual respect and civil behaviour, now you pay the price. I warned you.

Considering the fact you left TG for that very same reason you have made yourself look that much more ignorant.

Carry on Dolby.  :rofl  :aok

No he didn't make himself look ignorant, Dolby stood up to you, a confirmed internet bully, and called it how he saw it despite the consequences. Dolby made himself look like an honourable person. You, in response, tried to slander him. And trying to depict Dolby as a tantrum throwing child by the way, would have more effect if you weren't the ultimate prima donna yourself. Hypocrite.

Your arse has truly been spanked like the naughty boy you are. Now run along now DrBone, shouting that it's 'only a game' and how you won anyway over your shoulder as you skulk away. Pray that Skuzzy does ban me, or I get bored with you before I go further and explain my theories about why you are the way you are.

Give me one good reason why you guys didn't do this gay drama queen act of yours in private? Huh? I don't blame Skuzzy for leaving; I really don't!

Okay. The reason is that DrBone cannot operate his BS paranoiac Mafia in Aces High if everyone knows what he's doing. I apologise for all the dirty laundry, but this has been a long time coming, but I feel sure many found it entertaining anyway. As I mentioned to a friend of mine recently, it has become increasingly apparent what a godsend Aces High is to those with personality problems. I'd far rather play and interact with only the mature and sensible ones, but it only takes one turd to ruin the pool for everyone.

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Offline zack1234

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #304 on: September 28, 2012, 04:16:13 AM »
I am not a Turd :old:

I demand a apology :old:
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Pipz lived in the Wilderness near Ontario

Offline RedBull1

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #305 on: September 28, 2012, 04:27:40 AM »
I am not a Turd :old:

I demand a apology :old:
I'm sorry  :cry
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Offline zack1234

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #306 on: September 28, 2012, 05:00:02 AM »
I'm sorry  :cry

I am Shidas lapdog, woof woof :old:
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Pipz lived in the Wilderness near Ontario

Offline Plawranc

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #307 on: September 28, 2012, 06:18:34 AM »
As a Top Gun Member. And one of the first people you met in this game Nrshida. I will level with you.

Yes, Bone, has a nature for both ego tripping and using his influence over players in this game to further his agenda. As a squadron leader and a former wing leader in the highest rated squadron in AH2. And a leading member in terms of both skill level, and in the Aces High Player community. It is inevitable that Bone would have an agenda on what he wants to happen in both his squad and his affiliates.

With talent and skill, comes ego, as Bone commands some of the best prowess in the air in this game it is natural that he should have a head to match. Which is obvious he does. With this head comes pride, pride in both himself and his skills, pride in his squadron, of which I am a member, and loathing for those who get on his bad side, e.g: yourself and the Few. He is prone to emotional outbursts, and cannot control his reactions on occasion. Tending to exaggerate situations rather than simplify.

Bone himself admits to this. He does have an  excessive ego, and he , to quote directly. "wears his heart on his shoulder".

In short, Bone, does, use his influence to further his "agenda". And Bone does, have an excessive ego.

But does that make him any different from say, Fester? Raccdogg? vDallas? SHawk? or perhaps even the great Bruv119 himself?

short answer. No.

He is a good man, he is my squadron leader, he does what he does, because it is his squadron, and his pilots. He, as the CO, likes his pilots, and his pilots, like him.

It doesn't matter what this fight is over, who this fight is over.

The fact of the matter is, this fight is over a personality which is the sole property of its owner, DrBone, Andy, Mr Schall. He does what he does because he thinks he should do it. If that brings it into conflict with yours, strike back, play your game. But arguing over something that has both happened, and been resolved. Is not just pointless, its childish, disguise it as much as you like, both sides in this fight are inherently flawed.

Maturity in my opinion is something that this game lacks more and more, which is ironic considering that I started playing this game Age 13. Five years ago. Egos run high in this game, not wanting to admit that they are wrong is something that everyone in this game does and continues to do.

If maturity is the issue, then let it be resolved. Put the dueling pistols down, and get on with flying and dying like the rest of the community has been doing while you have sat down and written this tirade.

As for my CO DrBone, he is at liberty to say what he likes to this fusillade of yours, but he is convinced on his point, and you are convinced on yours. Any argument is futile, as is this whole facade of he said she said bullshiit.

Not all of Bone's pilots, are mindless minions, in fact, none of them are, they are rallying round their leader because he is their leader, just as the Vtards will rally round Dallas, and the 71 RAF will rally around RTHolmes, RedTop, JimmyC or any member who comes under attack.

All this is doing, is fighting a pointless fight.

 :salute Personally Shida, you are a good man, I know this. But this is below you, as it is below my CO.
DaPacman - 71 Squadron RAF

"There are only two things that make life worth living. Fornication and Aviation"

Offline zack1234

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #308 on: September 28, 2012, 06:23:33 AM »
Can I have a invite to read the Topgun site?

I promise to continue to write nonsense if i can :old:

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Pipz lived in the Wilderness near Ontario

Offline Yarbles

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #309 on: September 28, 2012, 06:51:26 AM »
I remember back in the day some chap came on vox and it was shreck this and b*tad that etc

And 68 Magnum said "Excuse me budy but we like to treat each other with repsect around here."

I thought what a fine bunch of fellows these AH chaps are  :salute

« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 09:37:49 AM by Yarbles »

"Don't get into arguments with idiots, they drag you down to their level and then win from experience"
"He who can laugh at himself has mastered himself"

Offline DrBone1

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #310 on: September 28, 2012, 08:56:12 AM »
As a Top Gun Member. And one of the first people you met in this game Nrshida. I will level with you.

Yes, Bone, has a nature for both ego tripping and using his influence over players in this game to further his agenda. As a squadron leader and a former wing leader in the highest rated squadron in AH2. And a leading member in terms of both skill level, and in the Aces High Player community. It is inevitable that Bone would have an agenda on what he wants to happen in both his squad and his affiliates.

With talent and skill, comes ego, as Bone commands some of the best prowess in the air in this game it is natural that he should have a head to match. Which is obvious he does. With this head comes pride, pride in both himself and his skills, pride in his squadron, of which I am a member, and loathing for those who get on his bad side, e.g: yourself and the Few. He is prone to emotional outbursts, and cannot control his reactions on occasion. Tending to exaggerate situations rather than simplify.

Bone himself admits to this. He does have an  excessive ego, and he , to quote directly. "wears his heart on his shoulder".

In short, Bone, does, use his influence to further his "agenda". And Bone does, have an excessive ego.

But does that make him any different from say, Fester? Raccdogg? vDallas? SHawk? or perhaps even the great Bruv119 himself?

short answer. No.

He is a good man, he is my squadron leader, he does what he does, because it is his squadron, and his pilots. He, as the CO, likes his pilots, and his pilots, like him.

It doesn't matter what this fight is over, who this fight is over.

The fact of the matter is, this fight is over a personality which is the sole property of its owner, DrBone, Andy, Mr Schall. He does what he does because he thinks he should do it. If that brings it into conflict with yours, strike back, play your game. But arguing over something that has both happened, and been resolved. Is not just pointless, its childish, disguise it as much as you like, both sides in this fight are inherently flawed.

Maturity in my opinion is something that this game lacks more and more, which is ironic considering that I started playing this game Age 13. Five years ago. Egos run high in this game, not wanting to admit that they are wrong is something that everyone in this game does and continues to do.

If maturity is the issue, then let it be resolved. Put the dueling pistols down, and get on with flying and dying like the rest of the community has been doing while you have sat down and written this tirade.

As for my CO DrBone, he is at liberty to say what he likes to this fusillade of yours, but he is convinced on his point, and you are convinced on yours. Any argument is futile, as is this whole facade of he said she said bullshiit.

Not all of Bone's pilots, are mindless minions, in fact, none of them are, they are rallying round their leader because he is their leader, just as the Vtards will rally round Dallas, and the 71 RAF will rally around RTHolmes, RedTop, JimmyC or any member who comes under attack.

All this is doing, is fighting a pointless fight.

 :salute Personally Shida, you are a good man, I know this. But this is below you, as it is below my CO.
Keep posting shida!

you are doing such a great job outing me.  :aok  :aok  :rofl

edit:I shall withdraw from this thread and continue to watch this misinformed twit.

well said Pacman.   :cheers:  :salute
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 09:00:42 AM by DrBone1 »
=The Damned=
I see DrBone has found a new Sith apprentice. Good, good, let the hate flow through you.  :devil
Move up, move over, or move aside.  Simple kombat 101.

Offline Yarbles

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #311 on: September 28, 2012, 09:35:43 AM »

I think we should all congratulate Dr Bone on having the will power to give up smoking. Good luck with that DB all this who ha cannot be helping so perhaps we should return to all this at a later date.   

"Don't get into arguments with idiots, they drag you down to their level and then win from experience"
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Offline Slate

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #312 on: September 28, 2012, 09:48:10 AM »
   I'm reading this thread today to learn more about the US/ Brit Navy battles and see a bunch of kids peeing in the sandbox.

   Go away before I call your mothers.  :old:
I always wanted to fight an impossible battle against incredible odds.

Offline zack1234

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #313 on: September 28, 2012, 09:55:18 AM »
There are no pies stored in this plane overnight

Pipz lived in the Wilderness near Ontario

Offline GScholz

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Re: Last time USA defeated the queens navy?
« Reply #314 on: September 28, 2012, 09:59:45 AM »
Hi GS hows your bunker?

It's great. Holding up my house nicely.
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