Author Topic: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair  (Read 2761 times)

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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #60 on: September 23, 2012, 07:25:56 PM »
I really don't see why so many people think we should be lenient on would-be murderers.

"Dude, he tried to stab you!"

"Ah, its OK. He missed. Come on, lets go get some coffee, this guys not dangerous"

I mean what the hell guys? What if the guy had tried to stab your wife or kids? I guarantee you wouldn't give a flying uplift if the officer had shot the guy under those circumstances.

Its easy to criticize when you're sitting there nice and safe in your cushy chair.

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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #61 on: September 23, 2012, 07:26:50 PM »
Of course not, you're just the guy who thinks a trained law enforcement officer needs to use a gun to protect themselves from a one legged, one armed man in a wheelchair

And you are the guy who wasn't there, does not have any first hand info about the situation yet feel fully justified in making a judgement from a position of almost total ignorance.

I wasn't there either. I'd prefer to find out more information before making any opinion regarding justification of the situation.
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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #62 on: September 23, 2012, 07:27:23 PM »
OK once again why does he HAVE to put himself in harms way would you wrestle with the guy and not fear bodily injury? Why does the cope HAVE to put himself at risk? Tell em that?  You want to point fingers aznd accuse but would you risk yourself to stop a crime? You accuse me of trolling but you never answer a single direct question and when put to screws you backtrack.

Of course coombzy  would not put his self in harmsway to stop a crime, he would just call the COPS, let them deal with it then judge the officers for their work..thats what coombzy and 97% of population would do

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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #63 on: September 23, 2012, 07:28:48 PM »
Sorry you get so butthurt, but are you saying that you would put the kiddie gloves on to defend someone you know? I think your full of it and I think  you know it. Your upset because deep down you know you'd do the same. Its human nature.

human nature is one thing, police officer behaviour is another. of course they are humans too, but when you give someone a gun and a badge and charge them to uphold the law they are expected to act more professionally and with more RESTRAINT than the average man in the street

we might react rashly without thinking in a situation where we are in danger, but by virtue of the huge responsibility they carry, police officers are supposed to actually use their brains (in fact they are supposed to try and avoid, when possible, even putting themselves in a position of danger which might lead to them having to shoot someone, but whatever)

OK once again why does he HAVE to put himself in harms way would you wrestle with the guy and not fear bodily injury? Why does the cope HAVE to put himself at risk? Tell em that?  You want to point fingers aznd accuse but would you risk yourself to stop a crime? You accuse me of trolling but you never answer a single direct question and when put to screws you backtrack.

put to the screws?  :lol each of your posts is more retarded than the last, you think that's 'putting screws' to me?

your what if game of hypothetical situations is pointless since we don't know all the facts, but since you ask, I imagine it would have been pretty simple for one, or both of the officers, to just kick the guys wheel chair backwards or away, get around the side or behind of him, and turn it over on its side or on it's back like a turtle

we can't be sure of what exactly the officer should have done since we weren't there and don't know all the facts

what we CAN be sure of is that nobody needed to die in this situation

y'know what would be really newsworthy is that if someone DIDN'T get killed for no reason in Texas  :rofl
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 07:30:53 PM by coombz »
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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #64 on: September 23, 2012, 07:37:16 PM »
Coombz, in situations like that, hesitation can kill. Had the officer hesitated, the man could have lunged at him, and maybe the knife would have connected that second time.

By the simple fact that the man tried to stab the officer, the man's life is worth a fraction of the officer's safety.

And the officers life? Its easily 100 orders of magnitude more valuable than the life of the bellybutton who tried to stab him.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #65 on: September 23, 2012, 07:40:34 PM »
Double amputee in wheelchair threatens officer with pen

Self defense killing totally justified

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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #66 on: September 23, 2012, 07:43:14 PM »
Unless you are a LEO you can't understand. things just happen so quick that you dont have time to think, trainning kicks in. If you do your job by the book you have nothing to fear other then the evil mainstream media looking for a story that sells.....

except one legged one armed wheel chair bound maniacs. :rolleyes:

Sorry you get so butthurt, but are you saying that you would put the kiddie gloves on to defend someone you know? I think your full of it and I think  you know it. Your upset because deep down you know you'd do the same. Its human nature.

 I grew up in violence.....saw and lived violence since I can remember.....

you have no clue....

I cant imagine what it must be like to be such a coward that you think it is ok to kill this person....

I do want to thank you though....I was thinking before you might be an alright guy......but after reading the nonsense you have spouted off in here about this, shows me what kind of person you I am happy to not know.

have a good cowardly life. :aok

And you are the guy who wasn't there, does not have any first hand info about the situation yet feel fully justified in making a judgement from a position of almost total ignorance.

I wasn't there either. I'd prefer to find out more information before making any opinion regarding justification of the situation.

this is true we were not there....I am basing my opinion on what is being said.

Of course coombzy  would not put his self in harmsway to stop a crime, he would just call the COPS, let them deal with it then judge the officers for their work..thats what coombzy and 97% of population would do

I saw a man beating his chick.....I jumped on him and beat him down for it....I didn't have to break his neck to stop him.....

these cops did not have to kill this person to stop him.....

I cant believe you guys are defending the cops in this situation.....I am ashamed to call myself a human if this is the way we deal with situations.

Coombz, in situations like that, hesitation can kill. Had the officer hesitated, the man could have lunged at him, and maybe the knife would have connected that second time.

By the simple fact that the man tried to stab the officer, the man's life is worth a fraction of the officer's safety.

And the officers life? Its easily 100 orders of magnitude more valuable than the life of the bellybutton who tried to stab him.

he was a mentally ill person....he was not a criminal....he didn't choose to be the way he was.

how can one "lunge" when he doesn't have but one leg and one arm.....


you guys disgust me.....absolutely disgust me.

I am done with this thread and the idiots in it.....




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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #67 on: September 23, 2012, 07:57:42 PM »
he was a mentally ill person....he was not a criminal....he didn't choose to be the way he was.

how can one "lunge" when he doesn't have but one leg and one arm.....


you guys disgust me.....absolutely disgust me.

And so? That doesn't mean the officer should have put himself at unessecary risk. That man's life wasn't worth the officer putting himself at risk.

If he hadn't made an attempt to stab the officer, I would say differently. Just out on the street, all human life is equal. But when things get violent, the agressor is always, always, always in the wrong, and his life drops in value.

The precedent for this is set by the fact that courts will often go easier on people who acted in self defense.

If you can hop on one leg, you can lunge with one leg. Infact, I just tried it. It worked. Maybe you're just less athleticaly inclined than I am, but I could easily have stabbed someone a mere 2-3 feet away.

Did the officer do the right thing? Maybe, we don't and can't ever know exactly what happened, and what went through his mind.

But its too late to change things, the officer probably is having a harder time dealing with what happned than you ignorant loud-mouths are. And the would-be murderer didn't suffer. You can make a case for him drawing and firing his weapon, and that automatically means we shouldn't do anything worse than put the officer on desk work.

But do you know what the really disgusting part is? You and all the ignorant loud-mouths like you would still question the Officer's decision to shoot the guy, even had he actually been stabbed. He could have a knife-wound is his side, and you would still say the officer didn't need to shoot the guy.

Now thats disgusting.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 07:59:15 PM by Tank-Ace »
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

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Offline mbailey

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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #68 on: September 23, 2012, 08:13:23 PM »

But do you know what the really disgusting part is? You and all the ignorant loud-mouths like you would still question the Officer's decision to shoot the guy, even had he actually been stabbed. He could have a knife-wound is his side, and you would still say the officer didn't need to shoot the guy.

Now thats disgusting.

So we believe this officer to be wrong, and we are ignorant loudmouths? Wow, dont you paint with a pretty wide brush.Of course i question the officers decision to shoot the guy. The moment I/we citizens  stop questioning a situation that sounds like a total blunder, is the moment that our lives become devalued.

I lived first hand the stresses that police officers go thru on a daily basis, from my dad (PA State Trooper) telling us horrifying stories, to my mom wondering if he is going to come home at night. But dont think for one second you loose all culpability for your actions  just because you put on a badge.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 08:15:56 PM by mbailey »
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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #69 on: September 23, 2012, 08:36:14 PM »
Questioning is one thing, but thats not what most do.

Most simply go around exclaiming how horrible and bad the police are, and how they're all out to slam small defensless women to the ground, and shoot people in wheel chairs. Everyone knows their primary goal is to terrorize the public.

Honestly, threads like this just piss me off. Their sole intent is to give an example of how bad the police are. The attitude is almost never questioning, almost always accusatory.

Was the officer wrong? I don't know; I don't have all the nessecary information, and I don't feel I have the right to judge whether or not the officer made "the right decision" in any case, as I don't think such things can be put in black and white terms like that. Could the officer have made a better decision? Maybe, perhaps even probably.

However the decision was already made, wasn't an actively poor decision (the only poor decisions would have been to do nothing, and to wildly discharge his firearm in random directions), and had no consequences for any not involved. Because of that, I'm giving the officer the benefit of the doubt.

And let me be clear, you aren't wrong for forming your own opinion, or questioning the officer's actions, but because many of you would form the same opinion even if the officer had been injured. Its the ASSUMPTION of guilt that really gets me going.

"What, you were in the ER for a stab-wound, and it missed puncturing your lung by 1/3rd of an inch? How can you justify firing your weapon? You should have used pepper spray!"
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 08:43:03 PM by Tank-Ace »
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #70 on: September 23, 2012, 08:37:09 PM »
I know why the pen was a dangerous weapon... it was a Sharpie.
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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #71 on: September 23, 2012, 09:03:16 PM »
People here can pass judgement on a newspaper article. No one in this thread was there and or knows what actually happened. It was the officers patner that made the shot. Maybe the officer that made the shot did not see it was a pen. Things can happen fast. Its unfortunate that it did happen.

I wasn't there so I am not going to pass judgement on a newspaper article.
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Offline coombz

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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #72 on: September 23, 2012, 09:22:15 PM »
It's real lucky these cops had guns to save themselves, in another country where the police perhaps don't carry firearms as standard they would be at the mercy of any wheelchair bound mental health patient with a pen and probably die gg
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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #73 on: September 23, 2012, 09:41:43 PM »
LOL coombzy your still not answering the question and Ink it's easy to say something on a internet board I dont think you have ever stood for anything in your life(see easy) Lol cowardly?  Yeah you know me. I think both of you are the cowards infact I know it since almost all of your posts resort to name calling lol if you had any SHRED of dignity or self confidence you would not have to resort to childish name calling, if an opinion differs than yours its cowardly. or moronic or idiotic lol just so ignorant I can't even imagine how timid you are in real life. Grow up even though you guys want to name call I still think somewhere in you is a decent guy with a little humility and less ego. I'm not saying offing this guy was cool death never is but I'm not going to sit here and be a computer chair judge the guy attcked and got put down plan and simple.

By context you are name calling as I see it you know since I can read and comprehend

what if you had 2 brain cells to rub together? we wouldn't be having this discussion :)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 10:44:08 PM by Nathan60 »
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Re: Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« Reply #74 on: September 23, 2012, 09:47:01 PM »
I've not a shred of care for a cop that might have died, while I pray for this crippled man and his relatives.

This country puts entirely too much focus on the police force and their jobs, to the point that the cops get more recognition than a soldier from the same community gets for dying in war.

Not to mention that the entire profession is mired by brutality and cops that don't know their bounds.

I'll start caring more for pigs when they are drafted and have no choice. Maybe then we'll see less roadkill from them and more professionalism.

Until then, they have a career choice. And they are who the sleep with.