Hey, I don't make the trends, I'm just following them!
I would respond that why build a 1500$ system when you can play aces high or most other games with a gts250 and a pre 1155 could/board, at a cost of 700$ tops, and spend the extra 800$ on hookers and blow as well as beer. I'll leave the answer to you.
Personally I like instant on as opposed to the 45-60 seconds my win7 older box booted with a 7200rpm drive, as well as instant loading games like the total war series that take another 30 seconds to load. It's up to Joachim if he thinks that is worth 100$ or not. MY point is decide this NOW, as adding an ssd later will be a pain as he'll have to move the os over, as using an ssd for data only....well then I agree 100 percent - not worth it.