Author Topic: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>  (Read 7252 times)

Offline realgood

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #60 on: October 31, 2012, 09:13:42 PM »
 It Was nvm  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry wait  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :frown:  :(   :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry :salute
Might as well face it we are all addicted to this hehehe but me really I can ouit any time I want to <Proud Member 2nd Squad >"***Alchemists***"

Offline 1sum41

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #61 on: October 31, 2012, 11:10:00 PM »
 :salute hope to see you back sometime soon  :)

Offline Nwbie

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #62 on: October 31, 2012, 11:35:27 PM »
Was always fun, life has a way of getting in the way and becoming more interesting, good luck to you. :)


Skuzzy-- "Facts are slowly becoming irrelevant in favor of the nutjob."

Offline jtdragon

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #63 on: November 01, 2012, 12:28:14 AM »
We have had some great battles, will miss you but understand the little one being so important. It is so important to have the time to for them. Good Luck and maybe we will see you back in a few years with a new player for the game, We will be nice to him for a while.

Offline Babalonian

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #64 on: November 02, 2012, 05:46:15 PM »
Happy trails and fair tailwinds to you and the family SGY!
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #65 on: November 02, 2012, 06:42:23 PM »
SGY tatertot and I had a great time with you......I'll never be sorry for dropping to my knees for you!!!!! <S> and may God bless you and your family.999000

Offline Softail

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #66 on: November 02, 2012, 10:07:06 PM »
So long SGY!  Many fun times in a Tank.....see you in a few months

Softail ~~ aksofty    :salute

Offline shegotya

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #67 on: November 03, 2012, 08:22:48 PM »
Good luck She!  You are a class act. :aok



Thanks Way right back at ya'! You give all those pigs a huge OINK from me!

Only ran into you a few times in the main, but I recall once you "wtf?" killed me with a 5"er.  Talk on range was "Look out, SGY is really good in a gun!"

Best of luck to you and your family, SGY.  I'm certain a class act like you will be missed here.


Yeah I was killer in those bad boys! Great times racking up kills on the guns while waiting to see who would get the CV sunk. Mad props to airjer for quite a few of those times I went swimming!

#S# Michelle.  It was always nice talking to you online and meeting you in Dayton!!  Hope everything works out for y'all.  I rarely get to fly these days, but my memories of the past are what keep me coming back!



Thanks Banshee. Memories of the past will remain awesome!! Glad to have met ya' in Dayton. Fun times.

:aok good deal

 :) About the only hockey I'll see this year!  :cry I'm missing the NHL something bad!

Take care SGY, hopefully you can come back one day to break a few spawns for us  :old:
 :cheers:  :salute :salute :salute

Muahahahah! Breaking spawns was my thing. I think I lost like 900 tanks one night but, no one got to land my kills! Great fun. I remember saying ok one more launch then I have to pee ... then of course they would kill my vehicle hanger (two hours AFTER I said I have to pee) to go land all their kills on me and then I would have to RUN to the bathroom! Fun stuff. Thank God I never messed up my bladder!!



Thanks for all you helped do for the AH Community, SheGotYa!  now, hopefully soon you and your old man ( hahah yeah I called him old  ;) ) might get ya'lls little tailgunner ( son ) into this addictive game perhaps.... but there is nothing wrong with wanting him skatin and playing the piano either... heck Lew might even still be playing/coaching Hockey over there near ya.....

hope to keep intouch............ as wastin posted you are a Class Act ! and the AH community will indeed miss your presence :cheers:

TC ( Johnny )

It was at one time my pleasure! Yes, for sure he is my OLD man! Unfortunately I would never give HTC another hard earned penny of ours so no little tailgunner from my household. Once you get stung you don't send family in for it to happen to them too. Main reason my husband canceled his account too. I actually just talked with Lew and for fifteen minutes straight without a breathe he gave me some tips on getting my little guy started. Thanks TC much appreciated!

     Hope everything goes well for you Michelle, you are definitely a class act.  I'm sorry I killed the cactus you gave me when I got
sick back in 06.  To be fair, it did survive my brown thumb for years...musta been magic.  :lol

Thanks Phan! Hey with a brown thumb it WAS magic it lasted a few years! Cannot believe that was 06'! Glad your doing well and that is behind ya' what a scary time. Buy yourself a cactus someday for me.

Michelle, you are one of the finest people I have know on AH. It was my true pleasure to work with you on the CM Team, and to fly with you and against you in FSO and the MA.

You will truly be missed in this comunity.

Thank you your service as CM Team CO, there are only a very few of us that truly know what job means and entails.

Take care Dear, we will miss you.  :salute

Thanks Sled! My pleasure as well ... I'll never forget the FSO night after I was brought on the CM Team you let me say hello in blue text! It's the little things that make me happy. Yes, I agree about the job but, what those who have not done it don't know is you'll be great if all is well. Once it gets bumpy or you upset the wrong person ... watch out! I'll leave it at that and bite my tongue. Too many people here think I am a class act and I'd hate to ruin it on them.  :t

The MA has lost another awesome stick and GVer. <S> SHEGOTYA. The Devil Dogs will miss you.


Thanks EZ! Please <S> the Devil Dogs for me one last time. I will miss them as well.

Good Luck to you and your family.


Thanks Lazy! <S> those FBz for me and give Dred a smooch for me. I'm glad he found his way back! I don't think in all our years together you didn't say hello to me in game when I was on ... do you ever log off? I'll miss ya'


Enjoy your family time and see ya back in 5 years or so.


We will never be back due to some unfortunate circumstances and how HTC chose to handle it. It was a pleasure to have met ya' and and honor to have a picture of you looking like a greasy hot dog ready for the grill ... I still cannot believe how many hours you were at that grill! Big <S> for that! Good times. Give that boy of yours a swift kick for me!


<S> Nef and tell Rosie I just showed a girl at work cats cradle. I cannot have anything to do with that game without thinking of her. She needs to add a drinking game to it and market it!

:salute SGY


:salute  Gonna miss you, Face.  Always enjoyed the numerous romps in the events we were in. You be good and if you can't be good, be good at it  :cheers:

For you notch ...

 :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :aok :salute

:cry :cry :cry :salute :salute :cry :cry :cry

 :cry :salute

cya SGY loved doing GV things that you hosted it was a blast
 :salute :salute :cry

LOVED hosting it for ya'! The GVers made Blitzkrieg awesome and I had a blast doing it. Thanks!

Regards SGY
Always got a chuckle when 'you have been killed by SheGotYa' popped in the buffer
when i'd suddenly be in the tower.  Come back when the anklebiter is old enough for
you to teach him the stick.

LOL I will always have a smirk when I see/hear SheGotYa it really was a cool ID. I am assuming when the ankebitter starts games they will be holograms and he will be in it or something futuristic like that! A chuckle is funny ... you should see the text buffer full of PMs asking me if I was really a girl or what I was wearing!! Fun stuff.


 :salute to you and the KN boys! It was short lived but, some fun chats with you guys. Thanks!

Clear skies ahead!

<S>  :rock  :rock  :salute :salute :salute

 :rock :salute

Take care SGY i really did have a blast harrassing you and you are like Waystin said a Class Act A#1. Sad to see ya have to go..

 :rock :rock :devil :cheers: :banana: :aok :cry :angel:


LOL harassing is right ... lucky for you this is virtual or boy would that law suit have been slapped boy!!  :t I loved every word of it and thanks for making all my events! It was truly appreciated and as fun as they were because players like you made them! Thanks!

We'll see ya when you come back Michelle!!  :D Definitely had some good times!! Good luck with everything and you'd better stay in touch!!!

 :salute :salute :salute :salute :cheers: :salute :salute :salute :salute


No return flight for me. Some great times for sure! Thanks. You and your boys were always awesome to me. <S> them for me on last time!

Offline shegotya

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #68 on: November 03, 2012, 08:25:45 PM »
:salute SGY, hope to see you back in the future.


I won't be back but, i will be in touch!

Sorry to see you leave SGY but I totally understand.   Get that kid on skates asap,I started at about 3.


Thanks morf! Yeah yeah about the skates ... he will be 4 in Feb. and we will be starting after the New Year. I am excited. I miss watching hockey about this time. Feels like soemthing is missing! Do you still skate?

SGY  :salute :cheers:

Ohhh I get to say it one last time ....

Mmmmmmmm BLT!


Take care she, can't believe your youngin is already 4.  :salute :salute

You can't!!! Pfffft it is flying by. I hear as you get older it gets faster!! In about ten years I'll blink and it will be the next week!  :old: You take care!

Are you gonna come back?   



Neg. I will not be back. It is a long story but, I would not be leaving if it was not for some decisions HTC has made recently regarding my leading the CM Team.


<S> SGY.


Michelle, thanks again for picking up the pieces I left you. I couldn't have asked for a better successor and I believe you were twice the CO I was.


Chris, you are welcome. Oh and they were not pieces they were CHUNKS! And as in twice you mean two people removed??  :eek:

A class act all the way.

Too kind and right back at ya'!


It was really a pleasure for me to have you in AHXARL, and the few times I fell into one of your events I always had a good time, even if I was always the first to get my tank blown out from under me.
We shared a lot of laughs, a few tears, got our monies worth out of skype, filled each others PM boxes more than once, and even eventually got you to where you could compute east coast time into central, mountain and pacific. I thought there for awhile I would be able to send all my grandkids through college on the money you paid for those classes.
Sled really called it when he said only a few know what it's like to be CMCO. I was asked and declined, knowing I could not do what all of you have done.
We will really miss your quick wit, hard work, and smarty pants comments...all of which made the playing of Aces High fun, in all aspects, from MA to Special Events.
You have my number, lets stay in touch, and if you ever get back down this way, you always have a place to stay.

Thanks Snoopie! We will stay in touch and I will be down that way soon so we will see each other in the near future! Thanks for everything.

Michelle... ma belle...   Actually you were  "Shelli" as I affectionately called you.  Man o man there were some good times to be had with you and against you.  I remember one time gving against you, and your husband bombed me.  That mildly annoyed me, and I remember telling you I was going to send you a penny, and I wanted you to hold it.  You asked where?  And I said between your knees for a week  :P  Another thing you started was calling me Ronny in game.  I loved it as that is my name, and a few others call me Ronny too now.

And of course you have always been a class act in here, and well organized.  I truly hate to see you go, but I understand how it can happen with family and the move you guys are making.  I sincerely hope you keep in touch with us here and can come back in game at some point. 

You were always good to  me (and everyone) and gracious in victory and defeat.  You and your family will do well with a demeanor like yours.  Although I have never met you in person, I have always felt we were close friends and wish I was a neighbor to you.

Your good Aces High friend... Rondar  (Ron)

Thanks Ronnie! I remember the "penny" night. I used to yell at the hubby to go elsewhere once players found out he was my better half I hated bombs at spawn camps. Should of heard the screaming from one room of the house to another! So many awesome fights so many new curse words I made up just for YOU before I could go 1 for 1 with ya'. Thanks for never taking it easy on me you are part of the reason I could kill a GMC or dr7 back in the day and they are the reasons I could kill you! Muahahahha. Great memory makers for sure! Thank you for all the kind words and the same for me it has been so long and there were so many hours of all that time we are like family. Stay in touch and when you see the oldies like wet wonder dr gravy and so many more after you knock em' the tower once in a while tell em' that one was for SGY!  :t

SGY..........Remember your friends, we're always here for you.

I'd like to see you and your family in Idaho some day!

Thank you for your service.


Spammie!! I will never forget! Remember at least once a year to kiss parvo for me. We will have to make a XARL veterans and family trip to the ranch for sure! Thanks for all those practices years ago. It meant alot to me and badger.

:salute. Always had fun at your events,  enjoy your self out west.
    Best wishes,,, WWhiskey!

Always a pleasure to host an event you were at! Glad all is well you scared me for a little bit there. I love the West Coast! Keep in touch.

Best wishes to you as well!



later shegotya, will miss you  :salute.


Ditto semp!

SGY hate to see you go was a blast racing with you enjoy your family  :salute

Thanks BG. Was glad I got to race along side of you ... well, more like behind ya' but, fun stuff for sure! Hopefully those pyrimids will make sure no one forgets me in the racing world!

<S> She!!!! :aok

<S> SR!!!!  :aok The serenade from you at Dayton was hilarious. Good times.

It was a pleasure to draw both yours and the cartoon for the meet. I'm glad you liked so well what my meager talents could put together.

I'm sorry to see you go, bit I understand where your coming from and have been there. Get that little guy some skates like Morph said. Start them young and watch them go!.

Good luck, and keep on touch.  <S>

Thanks again and keep em' going. I may take a peek every now and again so keep that link updated! Skating starts soon ... keep me in your prayers that we stay out of emergency rooms!!

Take care.

It was great working with you SGY. Lots of good Times and memories. You've got my info, keep in touch! :salute

Thanks! You kept my sanity for sure. The youngest CM and one of the ones with the most maturity hmmmm go figure. I'm glad 4440 and I brought you on they are lucky to have you. I will keep in touch for sure!


 :salute WUTT!! Some awesome nights on VOX with JG2.

:salute Best Wishes to you :aok

                                                                                                                             :cheers: Oz

Thanks Oz!



Enjoyed meeting you and Nghtmare in Dayton.  Was hoping to attend a West Coast Gathering of yours someday.  I wish you all the best with everything you do.

Take care and maybe we'll see you in AH again some day.


Same here Kermy! Shot glasses over my left shoulder collecting dust on my shelf ... thanks again! No more gatherings but, my home is yours when your in Seattle my friend. Thanks and the best for you as well. I won't be back in AH but, look forward to a visit from you or we may be in your neighborhood traveling with the little guy someday soon. Will be in touch for sure!

:salute  You will be missed!  Havew fun growin that youngun!

We'll be here long after he's grown, :cheers:

Thanks! I am loving every second of my little guy. Still be there huh?? Get out and see the sun a bit will ya' LOL!!


Best wishes and take it easy.  :cheers:  :salute

Thanks Squire take it easy as well.


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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #69 on: November 03, 2012, 08:35:52 PM »
<S> Easy8
<S> Mac

Offline shegotya

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #70 on: November 03, 2012, 08:48:28 PM »
best wishes Michelle. you've done so much for the game, most people wont ever know the half of it. its a shame to see you leave. it will leave a large opening in the game without you. while i'm sure there are reasons for everything, just know that if and when you come back, you will have a home with the AVA Guys. my best wishes to you and your family. ill catch up with you soon!

Thanks so much! I have no choice but, to leave or it will compromise the respect I have for myself and my family. Maybe this would not be happening if I went to the AVA originally LOL but, yes all things happen for a reason. We will be in touch and please make sure your AVA buds NEVER have to go through what I did.

:salute :airplane: :joystick:


:cry :cry :cry :cry Bye Soggy !  :salute :salute :salute :cry :cry :cry

Bye Dad-d. Got to love Marshal's SoGgY ... **sigh** going to have to smack him when I see him!

Take care of that family of yours.

Good Luck!!

Kids grow way too fast. Enjoy your family and drop by the boards when you can.

Thanks! Yes they do. I will for sure.

It sounds like you've got one lucky little 4 yr old there.  Best wishes and hope to see you back sometime in the future!    :salute

No return for me but, thanks! I am the lucky one he is my miracle, literally.

<S> She..... :cheers:


  :salute   I was killed by a girl  :cry    ............................. ............. :D  Good Luck on real life endeavors.  :aok

LOL quie a few times over the years! Thanks same to you.


       Don't forget it all.  I just logged back in after a 8yr break due to RL.    yeah, remember AW on AOL. :aok. Then logging in through Compuserve.  Life progresses, come back some day.  Shootin 's like ridin bycycles, ya don't forget.


No return for me but, I hope your enjoying your return. AW on AOL LOL I remember banking the plane left and about 5 seconds laer it made the left. Been a long time.


I remember as though it was today LMAO! Great times BEEKER I mean badger ... video proof of some real memory makers.

:salute    :cheers:

 :cheers: :salute

<S> She...... It was always good to see you in the virtual skies.   Your son is lucky to have you as his mother.  I won't say "Goodbye forever" because you will probably find yourself drawn back into the game, but in a less responsible position.  Breaks from the game are healthy.  I will say " I'll see ya with open arms when you drop back in " .    Goodluck and I wish you all the happiness of real life and raising your son.

Take care till we see one another again,

one-eye     :)

Always fun to see you too! Thanks for the kind words. Not coming back but, will stay in touch. I wish you and your family the same. Please tell aka how I will miss him if you get a chance. The two of you made so many nights fun as a GVer in this game for so many moons!

 :salute SGY
Sorry to see you go...hope you will be back again soon!

 :salute No return for me but, you crack me up on facebook so we will be in touch for sure!

<S> SheGotYa.  I hope that you come back in the near future, and best regards to you and your family.

<S> Brooke. No return for me after HTC's fiasco. Best wishes for you and your family. Bet those girls of yours have you wrapped around their fingers!

Take it easy, PEW PEW!  :t :cheers:

LOL PEW PEW ... going to have to find that file and post it here again. HILARIOUS!!


It Was nvm  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry wait  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :frown:  :(   :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry :salute

Some fun stuff we did eh'  :cry :cry :cry :cry! Will miss you.


:salute hope to see you back sometime soon  :)

No return for me.


We have had some great battles, will miss you but understand the little one being so important. It is so important to have the time to for them. Good Luck and maybe we will see you back in a few years with a new player for the game, We will be nice to him for a while.

LOL epic battles. You also have created new curse words for me over the time it took to master that panzer!! Great times. No return for me but, plenty of film to show the little guy his Mom whoopin' your butt!  :t

Happy trails and fair tailwinds to you and the family SGY!



SGY tatertot and I had a great time with you......I'll never be sorry for dropping to my knees for you!!!!! <S> and may God bless you and your family.999000

Thanks 9zy!

Marc and I wish nothing but, the best for you, tatertot and your families! I sent tater a text video recently of the little guy eating tatertots!! Was hilarious.

Much love and respect always!

So long SGY!  Many fun times in a Tank.....see you in a few months

Softail ~~ aksofty    :salute

Lots o' tanks and lots o' fun! No return for me.



<3 We will stay in touch! Too many pinterests projects and so little time!

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #71 on: November 04, 2012, 07:01:15 AM »
Wow took us 5 years to land kills together, even after organizing all the dayton gatherings surely goung to miss you. I am not quite sure what i am doing with my account, i havent had time to fly in forever. With my pitbull rescue at its peak, planning my wedding and everything else real life brings...its hard to find time. We had some great times, you are like my big sis, always calming me down when i got frustrated with things (u know what im talking about). We have had sooooooo much fun thru these years, picking on the boys, causing (fun) trouble hehe. Guess i can say this one last time.....


Keep in touch girlu, give Jacob hugs from aunt betty and family. Love ya guys <3
~~~The Killuminati~~~                                                     



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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #72 on: November 04, 2012, 07:03:42 AM »
Sorry to see you go Shegotya. And apologies for not being around for you final night but Sandy said "no".

I shall miss our many deep,varied and lengthy conversations.

Good luck to you and yours going forward.

And BTW Happy Birthday!
Death is no easy answer
For those who wish to know
Ask those who have been before you
What fate the future holds
It ain't pretty

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #73 on: November 04, 2012, 07:39:49 AM »
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

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Re: Take it easy. My time as SheGotYa has come to an end. <S>
« Reply #74 on: November 04, 2012, 10:44:33 AM »
Always your friend,
