What timing are you speaking of?
Also bbosen, are you uploading the missions?
Then they can simply be downloaded from any arena, including custom ones.
Salutations, O Great One!
You asked "what timing are you speaking of?" Well, ANY variation in timing can be a problem. Today I was referring to my "PacMix" mission, which flies well under both version 2.28.x and version 2.29.x. However, I have carefully timed a sound file to imitate radio banter describing a furball that ensues when a large group of northbound Bishops intercepts a large group of southbound Knights. I wrote that mission with AH 2.12.4, and the message timing coincided very well with the commencement of battle.
Since the days of V2.12.4 I've tried, re-optimized, and rebuilt that mission with several newer versions. With each new version, there is always risk of a timing change that will cause the radio banter to commence too soon or too late (relative to the actual commencement of combat in the associated sim). Usually those timing changes are apparent right at the start of the mission. It seems that different versions of Aces High launch the aircraft from slightly different locations so that the initial "taxi" segment will complete more quickly or more slowly, depending on the change in distance. In other instances, it seems that there is some kind of a spawn delay associated with either the player's plane, or with the AI planes. The variables often amount to several tens of seconds. In my testing today with V2.29.x, the combat radio banter commenced way too early (about 1 or 2 minutes before the combat commenced).
These changes play havoc with the timing of all subsequent events: rendezvous locations can be out of whack by several miles, bomb drops timed to hit moving ships will miss the target, radio banter commences long before or long after the corresponding event is simulated, etc.
I don't want to sound like I'm complaining; I feel blessed to have any of the capabilities that you've chosen to share. I'm willing to continue re-tweaking and recompiling my missions over and over and over and over again and again and again. But I could help the community enjoy more missions if these variables didn't crop up so frequently.
You also asked if I've been uploading the missions. No, not yet. I travel so much that I usually only keep an active subscription for about 6 months of each year. I'm in "OFF TIME" right now. Maybe I'll come back online sometime in January or February and I plan to upload them all as soon thereafter as I can.
Until then, I've made them all available (including source code) from my website here: