Should the parents have been asked to secure their weapons in lockers with separate storage for ammunition then? Does a background check extend the the medical histories of one's family, and if not, should it?
Mental health issues in a family should make it far harder to buy a firearm.
I'll put this in perspective, I'm a Brit but I love shooting, I'm a regular game shooter and I've shot 90% of western military hardware over the last few years in the military. I'd love to have the freedom to own the sort of weapons that you do in America but ultimately, I don't trust the random bloke down the street to own that same weapon. I'm not suggesting limiting the sort of weapons owned, I'm just saying that in order to earn the right to bear arms one should be mentally competent and have proven a need for ownership, even if that need is home defense or sport shooting. Is it so offensive to suggest that to buy a gun, particularly an auto/semi-automatic, you should have to pass a mental health interview and a general assessment of 'weirdness level'???
Is a slightly longer wait to buy your new Sig or AR so painful that it's worth a child's life to you?