Most people don't understand the mass/speed thing when they drive. Gotta dodge lunatics all day in my 46ton truck. 46 tons at 60 mph translates to what?
Keep it well maintained and it should easily make 300,000. My toyota p/u is at 193,000 and the CRV is at 175,000. Run like new.
dude.....i've been telling people that for years. when my grand pop taught me to drive, he made dam well sure i knew i was driving a 4 wheeled 3500# guided missile. he didn't know techinals of it, but he got the point across.
i think now that with cars moving so effortlessly, that younger people think they're paperweights, and don't understand what happens just to make that car follow a 40 degree bend in the road. or that they need much more distance to stop.
was just having a conversation the other night with a customers son. he just got an 02 camaro, so me being almost
went into telling him how much they suck in bad weather and how it wouldn't come close to his cavalier in the snow. he then proceeded to tell me how in the one snow we had last year that he was easily able to drive in the snow nearly 15mph faster than most others. i reminded him about the need to stop from that much faster. i saw the light come on. his dad thanked me for that too.