Author Topic: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?  (Read 1717 times)

Offline Karnak

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #30 on: January 08, 2013, 02:57:16 PM »
P51D - It can outrun a N1K2 even when loaded with 1000lb and rockets.
That isn't saying very much.

P-51D is average as a strike aircraft as its single engine doesn't provide enough thrust and its smaller wing area doesn't have as much square footage to distribute the additional weight.  The P-51's real strength is how fast it is after it drops its ordnance.

If carrying ordnance on the P-51D it handles decently up to about 10,000ft, but it drops off fast above that altitude.
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Offline Brakechk

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #31 on: January 08, 2013, 03:07:40 PM »
I'm becoming a fan of the 110 for about all these attack roles.  It doesn't carry that much in the way of bombs but you're good for a couple hangers with guns, it de-acks nicely and can really take alot of town down.  After you're light it's not that bad of a fighter to get you out. 

The only time I really like something else is if I know I'll be involved in alot of dogfighting afterwords...then it's a D40 or F4U-D.  If it's a short ride I like the 38L just because you can get to 8k or so much faster in it.  However if we are doing squad ops I'm almost always on backup or given town targets since I miss like a boss with bombs regularly.

Yes I practice....yes I still suck at fighter bombing.   :o

Offline muzik

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #32 on: January 08, 2013, 03:26:22 PM »

If you want a low alt fast-in fast-out attack plane...the Tiffiy is a great choice.  Excellent gun platform.

If you want a long-range strategic strike and hang around for a fight, the P-51D is a good choice. Rockets + iron and 100% fuel will get you there.

If you want a town destroyer - the Bf-110G2 with heavy guns package of course.  Me-410 is also decent but you're a sitting duck if someone ups from the airfield.

If you want a hanger dropper and short range - P-38L and the P-47D40.

If you want a hangar dropper and stick around for a good fight - the F6F with iron and rockets..hands Slapshot suggested.

Then again, your combat preference can also depend on your choice. B&Z + iron I would go with a Fw-190F8 like Katanaso recommended.

Know your plane and what they can do - then pick the plane for the role.  For example, taking a La-7 with its weak iron package on a long trip is not going to help you take down anything.

And taking a P-38L fully armed then sticking around for a turn fight with enemy Zekes Zeros and Spits will get you killed really quick.  But a Ki-84 with Iron is a monster attacker - you're not going after anything however other than a town building, fuel, or a bunker.

If I was to think of which plane does everything ok - good turner, good B&Z, can turn, good fuel range, on the faster side, lots of ground attack would have to the the Dog. The 51D does a lot of things ok, nothing really great - which made it a good all-around multi-purpose military aircraft.

Good eval. I was thinking the same, the OP should be more specific about what kind of fighter flying he wants to do.

The 38 does fine turning with turny birds. Just not many take the time to learn to use a 38 that way.
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Offline Randy1

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #33 on: January 08, 2013, 05:13:38 PM »
Interesting opinions.  Solid information on a lot of different planes.  It gives a whole list of planes to try to see which one fits what I want it to do.  The P38L and P47 have been my go to bomber and rocket planes but I wanted to venture beyond those two.

Interesting how the P38 is near the top on so many replies. The F6F and the A20 I see a lot in the MA and both were mentioned in the replies.

What I have is a good list to try. 

After I give the list of planes a go I should be able to be  more specific as was pointed out as a weakness in the original post.

Good stuff.

Offline Ninthmessiah

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #34 on: January 08, 2013, 05:19:08 PM »
p38 still climbs great when it's loaded down with ords, but I always lose parts in the base ack cuz it's so damn big. 
I take the p47.  It's rugged, carries an extra 500lb egg, and has lots of bullets left over for cleaning up.  But I ALWAYS climb with wep.  I think Lancs outclimb a loaded jug.

Offline Saxman

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #35 on: January 08, 2013, 05:28:47 PM »
If you want a hangar dropper and stick around for a good fight - the F6F with iron and rockets..hands Slapshot suggested.

Frankly, have to give the F4U-1D a slight edge here. Same load of rockets and bombs, but has that little bit of an edge in air-to-air once the iron is away.

Now if only HTC could be convinced to give the D-Hog its 2000lber on the center rack...
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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #36 on: January 08, 2013, 06:41:06 PM »
110 if you don't expect heavy resistance. And for 17,000 lbs of aircraft, she can be a real handful. That and any snapshot is almost a guaranteed kill.

If you're looking to hit a CV, then scoot, the 190F8 with rockets is hard to beat.

If fighting is more of a priority, I always just took a bomb on my A5. Of course that's just me. I would also be inclined to do the same thing with a G2. I'm a left guy, so for me those made the best attackers, because they were what I knew.

Point is that there is no 'best' unless its also best for you. If you do best in a P40, then take a P-40, performance be damned.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

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Offline Karnak

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #37 on: January 08, 2013, 08:30:33 PM »
Here is where I am at on my fighter-bomber performance testing (Note: the Hurricane data is from before the update):
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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #38 on: January 08, 2013, 08:35:29 PM »
Here is where I am at on my fighter-bomber performance testing (Note: the Hurricane data is from before the update):

Nice...I will be using this data.  Thanks!

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Offline Karnak

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #39 on: January 08, 2013, 08:40:13 PM »
Nice...I will be using this data.  Thanks!

Once I have it more reasonably complete I plan on sharing the Excel file itself.
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #40 on: January 08, 2013, 09:48:29 PM »
I've always used the F6F-5. 

Enough ord to drop a hanger in one pass and a hell of a figher once the ords gone.  In fact it's such a good fighter I've fought and won with all my ord attached and if I feel it's hampering me I'll drop the eggs and keep fighting with the rockets in place.  After all, if you're on an attack mission you won't do much damage if you drop your ord before you make target so you may as well try to fight to the target with as much of the ord attached as possible.

And that's why I choose the F6F-5.
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Offline bozon

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #41 on: January 09, 2013, 02:48:57 AM »
Forget about dry numbers and statistics and go with style: Mosquito VI!

SBD is loads of slow fun as well. Interesting new loadout option for it with the AP bomb. After the drop the fun just begins when you get to dogfight with it. 99% of the players have no idea what they are up against :)

Here is where I am at on my fighter-bomber performance testing (Note: the Hurricane data is from before the update):
Really?! the 8*60lb rockets do more damage than the 2*500 lb bombs? If so that is a valuable piece of information. I love those rockets. Did you test the speed cost of the rails after the rockets have been fired?
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

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the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline Randy1

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #42 on: January 09, 2013, 07:08:17 AM »
Here is where I am at on my fighter-bomber performance testing (Note: the Hurricane data is from before the update):

That is good information.

Last night my first go in a A20 ended when a La7 turned on my six and started to close from a low position.  What was doggone impressive was with this fully loaded plane I was able to roll over and pull the A20 back into a head-on with the La7.  I figured a head-on was my only hope even though I try to avoid them.  If I hadn't missed the shot, I would have flown away from that one.

The next try was the F6F.  This plane was slow when compared with the others I tried and has poor rear view.  Other than that it was a good ride.

The P38L was next flying with my wing man in a P51D fully loaded as well.  We dropped our bombs on the hangers then made a high speed pass from 5000 feet on the town to unload the rockets.  Interesting, we both pulled out climbing north   with full WEP but I pulled up 8 spits and the P51 none.  As always the P38L is a magnet for spits.  Every time I choose a 38 it seems to attack a lot of attention.  People love to shot a 38 I guess because it is so big and easy to hit.  I did turn back into the hoard on my six and took one of the spits out  nad I am sure bloody some noses before they drug me down.  I really like the P38L the best but the attention it generates makes it a hard plane to survive in for me.  In my humble opinion the 38 is the best attack plane in the MA I have tried so far going in but not coming out. The P47D40 carries more E coming out of an attach than the 38 which to me gives it an edge on survival.

The Typhoon is next then probably the F4U.  I am not fond of the P47N even with 25% fuel it is slow to climb so that will not make the try list.  Of course the P47D40 with its ability to handle a high speed dive and the load it carries is a very good choice from my past runs.

From the thread I still have several more planes to try.

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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #43 on: January 09, 2013, 09:13:29 AM »
I've always used the F6F-5. 

Enough ord to drop a hanger in one pass and a hell of a figher once the ords gone.  In fact it's such a good fighter I've fought and won with all my ord attached and if I feel it's hampering me I'll drop the eggs and keep fighting with the rockets in place.  After all, if you're on an attack mission you won't do much damage if you drop your ord before you make target so you may as well try to fight to the target with as much of the ord attached as possible.

And that's why I choose the F6F-5.

I have to say that the Hellcat is probably the smoothest JABO platform in the game.  Very stable in a  dive, not a lot of wiggle.  Love that Hell-kitty!
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Re: Best Fighter-Attack Plane in the Attack Mode?
« Reply #44 on: January 09, 2013, 12:32:25 PM »
:lol that crap you fly don't even carry 1 rocket ya nooblet!  :rolleyes: :lol

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one plane to find them,
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in aces high, and destroy them.
