Author Topic: Ju88P Series wish from another thread  (Read 5331 times)

Offline Megalodon

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Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« on: January 26, 2013, 12:19:18 PM »
In another thread "Hs-129" Babalonian and Dennis would like to have the JU-88P and were unable to start there own wish list thread.

These are there sources

Post all your info and pretty pictures here fellas :aok

There were around 33-34 total produced
Good luck,

Okay..Add 2 Country's at once, Australia and France next plane update Add ...CAC Boomerang and the Dewoitine D.520

Offline JUGgler

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 12:54:23 PM »
In another thread "Hs-129" Babalonian and Dennis would like to have the JU-88P and were unable to start there own wish list thread.

These are there sources

Post all your info and pretty pictures here fellas :aok

There were around 33-34 total produced
Good luck,

HAHA OMG, 2 x  37 MM gun pods!

I just jizzed in my pants

yes please!


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Offline Krusty

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2013, 04:32:20 PM »

The Ju-88P series most likely never saw combat. It was obsolete and a bad design. The weapons weren't effective vs armor due to the platform they were mounted on, and fired too slow to fire multiple times per pass. The platform was so slow it couldn't catch any bombers (half of its intended purpose) and so slow that any ground fire coule rip the plane to shreds -- negating its threat to armor.

Further, citing LEMB:

"one (test?) Staffel took its Ju88P-1s to Poltava airfield in southern Russia for operational trials. But Poltava was apparently quite some distance from the front and as far as I'm aware, no actual combat sorties or claims were made... but I'd love to be proved wrong. The fact that the unit was disbanded and the 75-mm equipped P-1's were not seen again is a pointer as to their success"

All Ju-88Ps from what I recall are converted airframes, taking A-4s and rebuilding them, rather than production line construction.

It was really a bad design, wasn't effective, and wasn't used or put into production.

So.... why?

Offline Zacherof

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2013, 06:41:55 PM »
We should have 188's and the he 117
In game name Xacherof
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Offline Denniss

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2013, 11:09:36 PM »
If the threadstarter is pointing at my comment regarding Ju 88P production - it was not my intention to get a Ju 88P included. Useless aircraft.

And yes, all were conversions. Either from repaired aircraft or from series-produced A-4.

Offline icepac

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 08:31:30 AM »
How about the S and R models?

Offline Karnak

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 08:36:18 AM »
I'd prefer a G model, Ju88G-7a for example.
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Offline Denniss

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2013, 04:44:20 PM »
Ju 88R was basically a Ju 88C night fighter with BMW 801 engines, the Ju 88S was a similar adapted Ju 88 A-4 but a bit more streamlined to regain lost speed. The Ju 88 G-7 was in production by war's end but none operational. There was no such thing like G-7a or C-6b etc.

Both R and S were built in low numbers (~200 each) so hardly qualify for inclusion.

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2013, 12:42:54 PM »
I'll venture a bet they made more than some of the other planes already in the planeset.

Offline Karnak

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2013, 01:55:57 PM »
I'll venture a bet they made more than some of the other planes already in the planeset.

If the reported 3 or 34 in the OP is correct, then no, even the Ta152H-1 had more than that.

The usual targets:
Brewster: ~50-60 IIRC
Me163B: ~150 IIRC
F4U-1C: 200
C.205: ~250
Seafire Mk II: ~250
N1K2-J: 415
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Offline Lusche

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2013, 02:32:16 PM »
The usual targets:

I may add:
Ostwind: 43
Wirbelwind: 105

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Offline tuton25

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2013, 05:35:29 PM »
Ju 88 G series
><))))*> Da Fish is in Da Fight

Offline Babalonian

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2013, 05:36:21 PM »
I enjoy this too much, really I do.

Ju 88 P
Armored fighter, bomber destroyer later, reconstruction of bombers of the A series. Cannons of 37, 50 or75 mm

•Ju 88 P-1: derived from the Ju88 A-4, a 7.5-cm-BK 7.5 cannon under the fuselage. The burden of the heavy weapon turned out to be too large for the machine.
•Ju 88 P-2 derived from the Ju88 A-4, two 3.7-cm-BK 3.7 cannon under the fuselage. When fitted with the same type of machine gun Ju 87 and Hs 129 proved to be the armored combat at low altitude more suitable. A Ju 88 P-2 was tested as a night fighter: she received two limited pivotal 3-mm cannon MK 103 and a radar. Presumably, this machine has been used in the NJG 10, but has not proven.
•Ju 88 P-3: as Ju 88 P-2, but with reinforced armor and Jumo 211 P, only a small series was used on the Eastern Front.
•Ju 88 P-4: as Ju 88 P-3, but with out the 5-cm KwK 39 developed BK 5 under the fuselage. Probably 32 machines were converted from Ju88 A-4, and with some success, used for hunting tanks on the Eastern Front. Test applications against four-engined bombers were unsuccessful, as the Ju 88 could not prevail against the Allied fighter escort.

Again, I'd love to know Megalodon's source, as I said before.  It seems to be Wiki, but even the information on Wikipedia is in contradiction to his production number claims (and beside's, it is wikipedia).  What is it, then?  He seems to be privi to the lost documentation that has yet to be found by the rest of the world to:
Arado at Brandenburg-Neuendorf ATG at Leipzig-Mockau (fuselages & tails, not wings + final assembly 1940-June 1944)
Dornier (North) at Wismar (A-series fuselages and tails, 1939-Jan 1942)
Dornier (South) at Friedrischshafen (A-series bombers only, 1939-Dec 1940)
Heinkel at Oranienburg (complete aircraft 1940-Aug 1942, wings only until March 1943)
Henschel at Berlin-Schönefeld (complete aircraft from mid 1939, night-fighters only 1944-Feb 1945)
Junkers at Bernburg (all variants 1938-1945)
(Fuselages from Aschersleben, wings from Halberstadt, tails from Leopoldshall with assembly at Bernburg)
Siebel at Halle (wings and final assembly, early 1940 – April 1944)
Also factories in Czechoslovakia and France by 1944
Major sub-assemblies produced by Volkswagen at Wolfsburg (tail units for Junkers until mid 1944) and AEG at ?? (tail units for Arado & others until mid 1944).

Thanks for providing the wiki citation to page 27 of the United States Air Force Museum Guidebook, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, Air Force Museum Foundation, 1975.  I look forward to finding it and looking up what secrets it holds on the Ju88P series within it's single page article.

And where did you pick up that all later P-series Ju88s were covnerted from other P-series Ju-88s?  Everything I've found for each individual P-series mentions they were modified A-4s, not re-modified Ps.
Ju 88P V1 1 conv A-4  ? Summer 1942
Ju 88P-1 ? conv A-4 ? 1943
Ju 88P-2 ? conv A-4 ? ?
Ju 88P-3 ? conv A-4 ? ?
Ju 88P-4 32 conv A-4 ? 1944
Ju 88P series total ? - -  

And Krusty, nothing crits the Krustymeter stronger than when your imagination sides against facts.  IE: The 88P didn't do anything, yet we know at least it was fielded to Erprobungskommando-25, an entire staffel of Nachtschlachtgruppen 1, 2, 4, 8 and 9 each (that's 5-squadrons worth right there! vs. the Hs-129's what, two?! *facepalm*), NSGr 8, NSGr 9...... AND FINALY the 32 P-4s entirely to one other.  That insinuates enough P1-P3s for eight (8) operational units....

If anything, you've proven to me how invalid any credibility there is for the Hs 129 - both in wild speculation and unfounded hypothesis that aren't only backed up by any numbers, but get shot down by the numbers/statistics that do exist (but are being ignored).

Lastly, this is not my wish.  While I would welcome a Ju88P varient, especialy at being more practical and effective than the Hs-129 in the game (scenarios and MAs) I'd welcome ANY Ju88 varient (or remodel with no expansion!).  The Ju88 is the only german plane set more wronged by the lack of examples than the 190 in AH.

So many that I can't even list them at the end of this single post!  (maximum post length)
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.

Offline Babalonian

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2013, 05:37:17 PM »

Of the Ju-88 over 50 versions were built.
Ju88 A
Horizontal and dive bomber with Jumo-211 engines

•Ju88 A-0: Vorserienmaschine with Jumo211 Aor B
•Ju88 A-1: horizontal and dive bombers with Jumo 211 B or G.18.25 mspan
•Ju88 A-2: modification of the Ju88 A-1 with equipment specifically designed for catapult launch.
•Ju88 A-3 from A-1 converted unarmed trainer aircraft with dual controls
•Ju88 A-4: development of the Ju88 A-5 with stronger Jumo-211-F or J engines and Junkers-VS-11-propellers. Increased defensive armament,20.08 mspan.
•Ju88 A-4 trop: as A-4, but with tropical equipment
•Ju88 A-5: development of the Ju88 A-1 with the beginning of19.95 m,20.08 mthen increased wingspan. Because of the stronger Jumo 211 J still was not available, nor with Jumo 211 B or G
•Ju88 A-6: Ju88 A-5 h with Sperrballonabweiser to the outer edges of the front face, so30 km/ slower
•Ju88 A-6U: See-also Kunder with FuG 200 Hohentwiel-ship Detector (Radar)
•Ju88 A-7 A-5 converted from Ju unarmed trainer aircraft with dual controls
•Ju88 A-8: Ju88 A-4 with Sperrballonabweiser to the front surface outer edges, therefore30 km/ h slower
•Ju88 A-9: as A-1, but with tropical equipment
•Ju88 A-10: as A-5, but with tropical equipment
•Ju88 A-11: as A-4 trop, but Jumo211 G
•Ju88 A-12 training aircraft with dual controls, conversion of the Series A-5, the car was widened. No floor pan.
•Ju88 A-13 attack aircraft of A-4, without, dive brakes with reinforced armor and cluster munitions plant
•Ju88 A-14: derived from A-4 bomber ship to fight without air brakes with additional 20-mm-MG/FF in the nose
•Ju88 A-15: Bomber bomb with wooden tub without base,3,000 kgbombs
•Ju88 A-16: converted from the A-14 trainer aircraft
•Ju88 A-17: derived from A-4 torpedo bombers without base and dive brakes
Ju 88 B
Development of the Ju88 Awith new, fully-glazed cockpit and BMW-801 engines, the prototype Ju 188

•Ju 88 V 27
D AWLN, prototype for B series.

•Ju 88 B-0: experimental bomber, only ten machines built
•Ju 88 B-1: only Attrappenbau
•Ju 88 V 25: prototype for B-3 (destroyer), just built a machine.
•Ju-88 B-3 destroyer version with two BMW 801 engines. In the full view pulpit three MG 17 and MG 151 were rigidly. The B-stand was equipped with an MG 81 Z, as the C-level. For intelligence purposes could range imaging devices of the type carried Rb 50/30 or 20/30.
Ju88 C
developed from the Ju88 Aheavy fighter / destroyer and night fighter without dive brakes

•Ju88C-1: Destroyer aircraft, developed from the Ju88 A-1. Rigid armament in Glasbug: a 15-mm MG 151 and three7.92 mmmachine gun 17th
•Ju88 C-2: destroyer and night fighter / long-range night fighter without radar. From the Ju88 A-5-developed heavy fighter. Rigid armament in Metallbug: A MG FF / M and three MG 17th Defensive armament as A-5. Nightfighter plus two MG FF / M in the bottom tray, then no MG15 inthe C-level.
•Ju88 C-3 as C-2, but BMW 801, no serial production
•Ju88C-4: Similar to C-2
•Ju88 C-5: faster destroyers with powerful BMW-801 engines, with no adverse flow-bottom pan, but with a small tub with two MG 17 machine guns under the front load space.570 km/ h at5,000 m. Only ten were built, as the BMW engines were needed for other types such as the Fw 190.
•Ju88 C-6 derived from the A-4 destroyers and often equipped with radar night fighter. Offensive weapons, such as C-4, defensive armament as A-4. At night use, such as C-4, two additional MG FF / M in the bottom tray and no MG 81Z C-Stand, later often two 20-mm MG 151/20 Music as a bevel.
Ju 88 D
derived from the A-series reconnaissance aircraft with camera equipment, no air brakes, and5,000 kmrange with 5380 liters of fuel (3,580 liters + two 900 liter drop tanks)

•Ju 88 D-1: Further Kunder developed from A-4, Jumo 211 J
•Ju 88 D-2: Further Kunder, developed from A-5, Jumo 211 B or G
•Ju 88 D-3: Tropical version of the D-1 and D-1 trop
•Ju 88 D-4: Tropical version of the D-2 and D-2 trop
•Ju 88 D-5 to D-1, but VDM metal propeller
•Ju 88 D-6 to D-1 and D-2, but with BMW 801, after removal of the floor pan about560 km/ h top speed
Ju E 88
similar to the Ju 88 B, with BMW 801 ML renamed in Ju 188 E

Ju88 F
similar to the Ju 88 E renamed, with BMW 801 ML, in Ju188 F

Ju88 G
The first was designed as a pure night fighter version, driven by strong Jumo-213 – or BMW-801 engines. Enlarged fin. The forward armament, four rigid forward-firing MG 151/20, was placed in a low-drag weapons tray under the front bomb bay, the flow accounted unfavorable floor pan under the cockpit and the bomb release system.

•Ju88 G-1: Power Plant BMW 801 TP with 2 x 1,700 hp takeoff power at0 m
•Ju88 G-6: Junkers Jumo-213-A-1 engines with 2 x 1,750 hp takeoff power at0 m
•Ju88 G-7: Junkers Jumo-213-D engines with 2 x 1,750 hp takeoff power. Morgenstern radar, dressed in the nose and wings of Ju 188th Two prototypes were finally assembled in January 1945 (V112 and V113), but probably not fly.
Ju 88 H
Remote hunters and scouts, for use on sea, prolonged cell, eight hundred and first BMW

•Ju 88 H-1: from the Ju88 A-4 converted reconnaissance ship with search radar for use over theAtlantic. The hull was at17.88 m(according to other sources to17.55 m), extended by two more range per tank of1220 lrecord. Thus, the maximum fuel quantity of3580 lwas increased to 6020 liters. Additionally could have one or even two 900-liter drop tanks are carried. The take-off weight increased to15,350 kg, therefore, a strengthened chassis required. Tank full, without the ability to carry more payload, flight routes should have been up to4,800 kmat 380-400 km/ h. Probably only eight machines were built, which were due to the air superiority of the Allies lost quickly.
•Ju 88 H-2: built on the same concept “Atlantic Destroyer”, as long hunters to combat anti-submarine hunting aircraft. Probably just a sample machine was built, and flight characteristics were unsatisfactory for the destroyers use.
Ju 88 P
Armored fighter, bomber destroyer later, reconstruction of bombers of the A series. Cannons of 37, 50 or75 mm

•Ju 88 P-1: derived from the Ju88 A-4, a 7.5-cm-BK 7.5 cannon under the fuselage. The burden of the heavy weapon turned out to be too large for the machine.
•Ju 88 P-2 derived from the Ju88 A-4, two 3.7-cm-BK 3.7 cannon under the fuselage. When fitted with the same type of machine gun Ju 87 and Hs 129 proved to be the armored combat at low altitude more suitable. A Ju 88 P-2 was tested as a night fighter: she received two limited pivotal 3-mm cannon MK 103 and a radar. Presumably, this machine has been used in the NJG 10, but has not proven.
•Ju 88 P-3: as Ju 88 P-2, but with reinforced armor and Jumo 211 P, only a small series was used on the Eastern Front.
•Ju 88 P-4: as Ju 88 P-3, but with out the 5-cm KwK 39 developed BK 5 under the fuselage. Probably 32 machines were converted from Ju88 A-4, and with some success, used for hunting tanks on the Eastern Front. Test applications against four-engined bombers were unsuccessful, as the Ju 88 could not prevail against the Allied fighter escort.
Ju 88 R
cell developed from the Ju88 Cimproved destroyer or night fighters with BMW-801 engines

•Ju 88 R-1: Ju88 C-4/R1 original name, such as C-4, but BMW 801 ML engine plant with 2 x 1560 hp takeoff power at0 m, as a night fighter with FuG 212
•Ju 88 R-2: Original name Ju88 C-6/R2, such as C-6, but powerplant BMW 801 TP with 2 x 1,700 hp takeoff power at0 m, as a night fighter with FuG 212 or FuG 220
Ju 88 S
Fast bombers with streamlined glass nose and without base, just a 13-mm MG 131 as a defensive weapon. The machine was designed for use on theUKand the Western Front, but in 1943, promising speed ranged from 1944 no longer to escape enemy fighters. At the same time, the jet engine technology was ready for mass production, so only a small series Ju 88 S were produced before the much faster with Arado Ar 234 jet engines of the type Jumo 004 as fast bombers used came.

•Ju 88 S-1: BMW801 G-2 with GM-1-conditioning, speed without bombs about600 km/ h at6,000 m, with GM-1 about610 km/ h at8,000 m, available from autumn 1943
•Ju 88 S-2: instead of GM-1 power plant with BMW 801 TJ in 1944 with turbocharger, without GM-1-conditioning, available in Spring
•Ju 88 S-3: Jumo213 Awith GM-1-conditioning, speed without bombs about600 km/ h at6,000 m, with GM-1 about615 km/ h at9,000 m, a few machines available in late summer 1944
Ju 88 T
fast reconnaissance, derived from the Ju 88 S. Only a few were built, which were soon replaced by the faster Arado Ar 234th

•Ju 88 D-1 with BMW801 G
•Ju 88 D-3 with Jumo 213
The mistletoe (official code name: Beethoven) and was also a father and son Called piggybacking. Mid-1944 were approximately 250 Ju-88 cells converted into unmanned flying bombs that should be controlled by a aufmontierten guidance on the target machine. Just before the finish should be both separate machines. The explosives-laden Ju 88 should then rush with the autopilot to the finish, while the lead aircraft returned to base.

•Mistletoe M1 Ju88 A-4 and Bf109F-4
•Mistletoe M2 Ju88 G-1 and Fw190 A-6
•Mistletoe M3AJu88 G-10 and Fw190 F-8
•Mistletoe M3B Ju 88 H-4 and Fw190 A-8
•Mistletoe M3CJu 88 H-4 (the pulpit was replaced by a warhead with a shaped charge), and Fw190 A-8
•Mistletoe M4 Ju 188 and Me 262 (only planned)
•Mistletoe M5 Ju88 G-7 and Ta 152 H (just testing)
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 06:19:04 PM by Babalonian »
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.

Offline Megalodon

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Re: Ju88P Series wish from another thread
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2013, 12:14:49 AM »
The 1st working prototype Ju.88p-V1  used the 75mm KwK 39.......... 1 made

The 1st 2 Ju88p-1's were Ju.88v-54 (WerkNr. 1881) with the 7.5 and  Ju.88v55 (WerkNr. 1182) with the gun 7.5 and the MK 112.

On the question of the P-1's  not the prototypes... let me help you since you don't seem to good at this.

Panzerjager Staffel 92  who got 3 or 4


III/ KG 1 Hindenberg who recieved a pair

The -2 versions were sent to the Erprobungskommando 25 ...They tested theirs as bomber hunters.

Ju.88v-57/1 (WerkNr. 140,452) was the working proto type for both the -3 and -4

As far as the the night squadrons... each got 1 Ju88p-3 ....not fully equiped squadrons.

And once again only 10 of the Bk5 Ju88p-4 version were completed.

There was also a -5 version 1 was built . A converted serial Ju 88A-4 (WerkNr. 2079) assembled and developed by Rheinmetall Borsig. The recoilless gun DuKa 8,8. 88 mm fired projectiles weighing 4.35 kg. The plane was built and fully tested, the gun worked well.

As far as the HS-129 you are just plain ignorant :)

The Pleasure is Mine

« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 02:13:37 AM by Megalodon »
Okay..Add 2 Country's at once, Australia and France next plane update Add ...CAC Boomerang and the Dewoitine D.520