Outside of the functions like shooting the guns and making the plane move are there some examples of what you can do with yours that i'm missing out on? I use the in game functions and think it does real good. What am i missing out on? When I tried the program software it annoyed me to no end.
Not sure if there is a way to do these in aces... so no warranty expressed or implied.
1. Dual Stage trigger... Half pull is primary guns, full pull is both primary and secondary.
2. Utilizing the afterburner detent on the throttle for WEP.
3. Adding commands to an axis... Like the slider which I use for RPM... This way I can auto kill engine when rpm to minimum... And auto on when RPM up... Excellent for damage control situations... Example, Oil and radiator hits: for feathering the prop and not bleeding oil/overheating your engine.
4. Macro commands... All salvo, delay, speed, downtime and sequencing commands with single button press.
5. Utilization of shift button commands so each button can have an alternate function when the shift button is pressed.
6. The boat switch for command modes allow programming different functions for each button while in that mode.
7. Short burst firing... Example when I have my shift button in and pull the trigger, it will only fire 10 rounds... Great for pinging a running bandit but not going overboard and wasting ammo.
That's just a few I can think of off the top of my head... I'm sure there are more, the possibilities are endless.