So the $14.95 of this group is more equal than the $14.95 of that group becasue your koolaid says you are more pious, richeous and truer to the "game" in your argument to HTC, or is that to Pontius Pilate.
You guys ever see the irony in the wishlist forum with it's parallels to Dante?
The question would be: is HiTech playing the part of lucifer or god when it comes to his universe?
It's hard to tell to whom with all this praying and group justification of situational piety going on to a higher deity to have personal desires granted. Thats a whole quarry load of stones being thrown down a dark well to prove your 70 peices of silver are purer than theirs. Especialy since your test of purity is based on the number of the like minded you can round up rather than the quality of your position to the equality of everyones silver.
If I'm not mistaken one entity grants personal wishes to the destruction of the individual aiming at the whole. The other is concerned about the outcomes for the whole and the individual together towards something better for all while being cursed for it. One tiny game, so may ideologies revealed by it. So may wars over ideology. And thats before you log into the game to shoot at each other.