When I open the templates I get the following errors, hopefuly not an issue as the files are still working, layers and tags/labels look good (minus the omitted "stars" layer).
"Unknown data has been encountered reading layer "Stars" and will be discarded. Continue?"
"Some layer sets were found corrupted and repaired."
OkEdit: I'm usnig an older PS, 6.0 I believe.
I'll start adding some images and creating icons (toying around with it) tonight or tomorrow hopefuly.
Also, I don't recall a responce to an earlier question I had regarding direct adaptations of uncopywritten (historical, military, etc.) material being permitted/discouraged for submissions?

Dilbert the Pilot was a cartoon for pilots during WWII by Robert Osborn for the US Navy Training Division. He made thousands of drawings used in US Navy traiing manuals and educational posters, and I've seen at least one film that was based off them too.