i see that some folks are happy with their escorts. sure would be nice if everyone got equal escort coverage. but, its the same thing every week it seems. certain squads get the best planes every week, always have escorts and always get the best targets. while the rest of us are basically used as fodder. fed to the wolves because we arent giant squads. never get to pick first. its always the same squads in the best rides. we get the leftovers. sorry to gripe, but the sht end of the stick is old. im thinking im done with FSO till things are more fair and not so cliquish.
Hey Al,to be fair, I'm not sure if you have planned an axis or allied attack/defense recently but it can get rather complicated trying to meet the minimums and maximums. Some small squads just get placed just like large squads get placed to fill a gap and make the numbers match.
We haven't planned in a month or two but when we did it was very hard to get people their requests and meet the requirements. Did the best we could and kept mostly everyone happy.
It also helps to perform as expected. Show up on time, with the right number, and get the job assigned done. People will start thinking, hey we should put X for escort of Y because they always stick with the buffs and get them home. They always report in and coordinate during the battle with command, etc.
Granted I've been more than disappointed with many of our assignments, but don't bail from FSO, especially between frames. That just puts a tick mark in the unreliable column.
I remember one a few months back we were assigned Bettys instead of fighters as requested. We whined and complained internally; however we executed the plan, even had some deception mixed in to confuse the enemy defense, shot down a few fighters and I believe were even top destroyers for that frame. That disappointing assignment turned out to be one of my most fun and memorable FSOs.
Don't give up on the best of part of Aces High. We all end up in the grinder at some point, in game and in life.