Author Topic: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?  (Read 1975 times)

Offline RumbleB

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What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« on: March 04, 2013, 04:13:19 PM »
Hello HERE IS MY AH AND THING ASKING FOR JOYSTICK THING HISTORY. Don't read it, it's below the underlined stuff. It's not my question or questions... My question is in bold text, it's the the text that is fat and black (I'm not racist, ..actually.. that does sound so not PC. It's the text that is fat and uh blue.

--- do read here if you're like, a bomber pilot because then you're immune to getting bored anyhow. ---
I am a person who played a lot of aces high 2 before and I was not terrible even though I a plethora of s**t sticks such as the "Mm calibrate me hard baby it's been 5 minutes already" aka X52. The Saitek Cyborg Madcatz Flight 5.0 which was decent, if you had alien fingers but at least it stayed a calibrated. I tried to modify it by smashing it really hard into my desk after smashing my 262 really hard into a c47. .. oh and lets not forget that piece of  :furious wireless logicrap 3d enjoy your wonky flight that worked for about 5 minutes. I did get a free replacement, that worked for about 5 minutes (or maybe they're all just absolute toejam) so I decided to sell it to some poor sod on ebay- but I did warn them that it's logitech by putting it in the title. Besides they probably used it for hello dead kittens anyhow or whatever game I would totally design if I knew how.

The best stick I ever had was that microsoft sidewinder 2 but apparantly if you have retard strength and really want to roll to the left with extreme prejudice the stick will snap off. Ok I lied that one got RUMBLE SMASH TOO.
Or Chris Brown'd, and now I wanna get back together with it but I can't find one to purchase. So if you have a Rihaaaasidewinder 2 (viibration doesn't matter but preferably not because I don't know if I trust used sticks that vibrate). Give it to me and this time it will be fineeeeee, no expressing love through violence or anything. Or sell it. If it's functional and doesn't sing. I imagine there are ones on ebay, i saw some bloke selling one for like 150. Mental.

I quit Aces high because I had anger management issues and it was getting expensive smashing toejam up. I have now resolved my anger management issues by only smashing stuff up 95% of the time. (WHY IS THERE NO SPELLCHECK IN MY FIREFOX, I hope that's how you spell it. I'd use chrome but it won't let me download stuff because turtle aids) Consequently  that 5% reduction means I can afford to smash as much as I want... Within reason.

First of all what one or even two things have improved in the past 4 years.. or 3.5. Whatever, math is for people who like to not make mistakes and poor life deicsions and stuff.

Please exclude skin additions unless there's more pink stuff.

New slightly more compact maps?
How is the playerbase?
Graphical improvements? (not really fussed about it)
Review of ranking system to promote more ... fun?
Do you get medals for like.. stuff ? like, low alt all ace kills
Did they get rid of the muppets?
did they get rid of the few?
did they get rid of the jokers?
This is not a jab at anyone except anyone who is offended. Stop being offended. It's ridiculous. I just want to know if the game has developed significantly in the past 4 years.

Yes it's not blue it's purple.. the bold I mean.. I remembered Kazaa is colourblind but I have no idea what effin colours he can't see (red blue or green) but if he can't see purple then he's lucky because purple is ugly as toejam.

I'm a very strange person because I'm foreign so go away... but not yet, answer the questions first. then go away. unless you want to give me a sidewinder 2- then you may stay and that will be your reward. Warming up next to bitter hatred and failure.

Offline BaDkaRmA158Th

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2013, 04:39:59 PM »
~383Rd RTC/CH BW/AG~

My signature says "Our commitment to diplomacy will never inhibit our willingness to kick a$s."

Offline deadstikmac

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2013, 04:46:23 PM »
I like too break stuff... It gets expensive after a few days. So how to break stuff and not pay through the nose by Deadstik.

1.) Find a store that sells stuff for a dollar or euro ect...

2.) Purchase about 20.00 worth of items that break when thrown.

3.) Set up above items up on a shelf close by too the computer. Close but not in reach.

4.) Fire up AcesHigh.


Offline Babalonian

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2013, 04:55:09 PM »
Improved/comming-along: Clouds, GV controling, B-29, Purpose Ordnances (GP, AP, SAP, HC, etc.), Towns, Strats (I think the last two were just done ~3-4 years ago), revised strat system (a single bomber pilot can make a notable impact), Reconnect In-Flight after DC, Improoved Chat Box (adding filters and tabs), Achievements, Gun sights revised/remodeled/coded/polished-up-to-be-more-accurately-modeled, regular skin updates, a new MA map (finally, and not only that, it's awesome!), manned Flak 88s, the last in-game poll by HTCs alluding to the adition of the Glochester Meteor (Mk.I or II, but unknown) not being off the table, Hurri was remodeled and the Hurri2b added, P40 lineup was extensively remodeled, the Ju87 was remodeled and one model added with AP guns, the Me410 was added, the remodeled Lancaster is in the pipes for teh next major update, the He-111 is in the pipes for the next major update (and the magic 8-ball says the chances of an epic BoB scenario comming up soon are very likely), the remodeled C202 and C205 are in the pipes for the next major upate too, new down time inquirey command and resupply mechanics for field objects and strats... off the top of my head.

Hilarious post, welcome back.
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.

Offline jeep00

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2013, 05:34:48 PM »
This is the direct result of letting drunk people legally drive home from the pub straightaway to post on the bbs. Awesome post and I agree the best ever.

Some cool stuff the last few years, I left for a bit came back in my third name or so but some cool new rides and bushes still flip tigers.
Yes those squads still around but we did ironically gain a "who" but he is not offended. Or might not be. Though he should be, a bunch of smallminded people are offended by him but he is not a bad egg. If he comes back that is.

Offline Karnak

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2013, 06:58:46 PM »
Mosquito FB.Mk VI had its flame dampers removed, gaining about 20mph on the deck.
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline mechanic

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2013, 07:05:14 PM »
good to see you Rumble  :lol
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline AAJagerX

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2013, 07:07:40 PM »
 :rofl :rofl :rofl
AAJagerX - XO - AArchAAngelz

Offline Triton28

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2013, 07:33:44 PM »

Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2013, 08:27:13 PM »
Welcome back you crayon eating bastage you!!!!!!!! :rock
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

Offline RumbleB

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2013, 11:44:12 PM »
Holy shizzle mah fizzle!! Rick! Its you!!! :D

Welcome back bro! Lets hook up sometime ;-)

PS: Shame you didn't pop in earlier, I just gave away my SW precision 2.

WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE MIG? :headscratch: I need you to die before me preferrably sooner rather than later as I am falling down way too many Golly-geen escalators (why do they make the handrails so slick) and also drinking on a tuesday.. monday? tuesday? i'm not an alcholic I'm celebrating someones birthday (just pick one I don't care If you're still into the Cathoclism my Irish friend. Also tell him  :old: sorry for the name in vain thing.. but not the debauchery because that seems like something you're supposed to be doing in heaven. also that one time I when I was 7 at my baptism in the Flips and I peed on the floor cause I couldn't hold it- in retrospect I should've peed on the holy book because it has good soakage (no offence, and I can say that cause im baptized) but I think it was ok cause no one noticed, xcept GZA  :old:, also MY MOM TOLD ME TO DO IT so don't make me go down  :devil there she tans better. Damn savage. but I got some birds in the tiniest little cage. I let them go so I think that evens things out. Oh and I did another baptism in Spain because apparanntly when you are some kind of racemix mutant you need to get Golly-geened baptized eerywhere.

See, thanks mom for ALWAYS DRESSING ME IN GO.. GZADAMN PINK OR PURPLE OR toejam WITH FLOWERS ON IT. SERIOUSLY. How am I not gay?! reverese psychology? ah whatever, I dress myself now and ther... hmm actulaly now it makes sense.. the pink spit 9... are there more pinks ? nobody answered this question.

Oh and how's it going Adam? you well? been a while, haven't seen you since I fixed my keyboard that I accedntailly smashed at the LAN. that was not my fault though because I had to make a statement, and that statement was that Coutnerstrike source is for total fuknuts  and nobody wanted to play aces high with us because "HAHA LUL WUT R THOSE GRAFIX and "... and you know what  I think that one opoor bastard I randomly screamed at will forever wonder what joys he is not missing out on (he probably has a happy life instead) to be fair though I'm very good at fixing stuff by buying new stuff instead. As I always say, It’s not broken.. it’s just very hard to fix.
Are you still playing AH? It's ok, i found this .. well, some ultra melon in The Few (poor bruv – to my American foes it’s nto broov, it’s BRUVV or 119 which is cause bruv118 was iobviouisly taken suggested it.

anyways it seems great because it has a twisty stick AND a rocker on the throttle. I know you hated the rocker on the x45 and so did I because not only was I unable to break the stick off cause it’s stiffer than.. eh not gonna rip of catholicism and it’s priests anymore, I am catholicatheist after all (just in case). obviously someone heard you and decided hey, lets have two RUDDERS and make you miss every gun solution”.. GUN FAILA.  Not once, not twice but THRICE (IF U rudder up some more buttons you can really get the word thrice fgoing, It’s a word completely underituilzlied. < I AM typing this in word and it does not even TRY. Or I don’t try clicking the red bits because my mouse is over there and my hands are over here.

 I can't wait. What an idiot that few guy. I mean I don’t want to get sucked back into this depraved game but I’m sure I’ll break my way out like I did.. that place I’m supposed to be in but I don’t like reading books all day.

Best of all the thing separates so I can put my keyboard in the middle and and just type vile things on 200.. does that still exist? can I still rip on pacerr, or did he die from lack of high altitude oxygen  or oxygen lack at altitude or what. Sentences are difficult to correctly formulate even.

Disclaimer: I have never paid taxes or had a proper job in my life. I play poker at home and I only go outdoors when it’s sunny. And I live in Ireland. … but the best offence and insult is to use your own life misery against the enemy. MAKE HT.. actually if pacer did actually die then I’m apologize and I always appreciated looking up at the night AH sky and seeing him fly around, take a pass at me from max con range as a I set up me picnic table of jaegerbombs. Tis a shame he never did stop for one though.  :mad:

Fuking don't drink and post. I don't drive though because what's the point whehn there's a pub on every single corner . I think there's the solution right there. Just put alcohol establishments on every corner and give me people those little pushbikes to ride home on. I should be a health and safety politicisans. OK MICROSOFT WORD I'm uninstalling, don't make it all RED under the the misspellings. JUST FIX IT FFFFEEECKS SAKE.

Why the hell is it 5 45...... AM. Oh well, at least those stupid birds aren't back to keep me awake with their chirping as i try to sleep. i hoep they all got the mad cow disease the basteds. or whatever one the birds get that makes them not be alive.



Offline RumbleB

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2013, 11:48:45 PM »
Welcome back you crayon eating bastage you!!!!!!!! :rock

if you have never eaten your favourite colour crayons you have not lived. my favourite colour are all the colours. are there colours that nobody has invented yet ? hm. I mean I hope that's it for colours because crayons taste like toejam. we don't need more colours. kazaa lets trade eyes. where is kaazaa. you colourblind mother:rolleyes:

I will message you on facebook and make you come play again because you need this. Hey it's wokring.. no IT DID though. that one is meant ot be fixed.

oh whya you bunch of scumsuckers there's too much to reply to here but I've got about enough inebration to make it fit. I have an obsessive personality disorder and I have to reply to everything (it's not like OCD that's for people with issues)

good to see you Rumble  :lol

I REMEMBER YOU DON'T PRETEND LIKE ..  no wait you're not that guy, you're the batfinkv guy and I still don't know what a batfink is and you've got an English accent which makes you nice by default (unless it's scouse or geordie because I don't think vocal vomit is very nice... no offence to scousers and geordies you're all nice people who I really don't like! but I like you anyways because I'm not prejudice)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 11:53:18 PM by RumbleB »

Offline RumbleB

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2013, 12:00:35 AM »
This post, the best I have ever read in my life, is a bold statement on increasing advertising in Ireland.



 :rofl I don't even remember how I learnt how to play this game and you really don't want more of my kind faffing about. I've heard myself and it is always ranging from incoherent to exploding because who put that frakkin tree there.

i can swear in battlestar galactica? motherfrak fraking frak frak FKRA FKRA FREK FROOKIN EEEEHLLLLLLLLLL

Oh sh... what is the battlestar galactican for the s**t word?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 12:36:10 AM by RumbleB »

Offline Triton28

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2013, 12:07:10 AM »

Sometimes when I drink a lot of Guinness my brain starts to act like this thread... which I happen to think is pretty awesome.

Carry on, sir.

Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds

Offline RumbleB

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Re: What has barely changed/improved in the past 4 years?
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2013, 12:36:17 AM »
Improved/comming-along: Clouds, GV controling, B-29, Purpose Ordnances (GP, AP, SAP, HC, etc.), Towns, Strats (I think the last two were just done ~3-4 years ago), revised strat system (a single bomber pilot can make a notable impact), Reconnect In-Flight after DC, Improoved Chat Box (adding filters and tabs), Achievements, Gun sights revised/remodeled/coded/polished-up-to-be-more-accurately-modeled, regular skin updates, a new MA map (finally, and not only that, it's awesome!), manned Flak 88s, the last in-game poll by HTCs alluding to the adition of the Glochester Meteor (Mk.I or II, but unknown) not being off the table, Hurri was remodeled and the Hurri2b added, P40 lineup was extensively remodeled, the Ju87 was remodeled and one model added with AP guns, the Me410 was added, the remodeled Lancaster is in the pipes for teh next major update, the He-111 is in the pipes for the next major update (and the magic 8-ball says the chances of an epic BoB scenario comming up soon are very likely), the remodeled C202 and C205 are in the pipes for the next major upate too, new down time inquirey command and resupply mechanics for field objects and strats... off the top of my head.
Hilarious post, welcome back.

I JUST realized I mad 3 posts in a row because sosrry because I thought they would auto merge no ofcourse I'm just lying and post whoring with me 1 post a day  I'll make it to .. whatever reward you get for making it to som.
To answer yoru question. No you answered my question. Questions.
Imrpoved Comming along? I do think the vox does need updates and but comming is a word I'm not as a good catholic atheist feel very intrigued by. As far as I remember there were towns and strats when I played. I would take a zero, drink sake (hehe just kidding- that stuff makes me ill, tequila slammers is the stuff) and not a single town or strat would get damaged as I tried to land on them so that was a drag. I know kamikaze is a bit of a (that word for sensitive area that I can't remember because I'm very tired now)...

but come on! All is fair in computer games except cheating and inviting people to my cult (pm for info). I'm a brawler. I like to get in stupid positions with total disregard of SA while yelling at the dwindling few to save me . I'm bait,.  Oh don't tell that italian fella who's selling me the thrustingstick they're making the c-deuces useful... or are they just remodelling them to be more interesting to watch as they tumble hopelessly towards the ground.. oh vafancu.. I can't swear in Italian either can I.. what is the battlestar galactican for the vaf*nc*l*???

I hate bombering. Iti s just such a cruel way to go about things. What has little timmy  EVER done to you?? and why can't I just crash into him with a zekeyzero I'm sure he'd appreciate seeing such an ugly little plane much more than thousands of lbs of death and hatred falling from the skise.

As for gunsights I just made my own in photochop anyhow. I still have them somewhere in exchange for favours. They were quite professional because I was sober. So I'm not too thrilled about it unless there's some super funky ones for each plane. Hurri's are like wasps. I hate wasps. I stepped ona wasp once and I had to wear my dads shoe on my right foot for days and all the kids didn't make fun of me because I punched them.

All of this speciality stuff.. doesnt' have me too excited. I'd have liked a bit of what wart hunter has (which I will get bored of in a week since it's aids but it has some cool features such as paying actual money for virtual items and being a saddo... but also I kind of like the idea of ranking up perma and unlocking planes- making toejam like the spix16 and ladidadi7 more of a luxury, I suppose there's the mid war hole n ting but.. You know, I want to fight these bastids every now and then- it's just .. I'd like to see a bit of variety like.. in wart hurter  or wahtever, you specialize in a countries airforce. It just feels a bit wishy washy shooting a guy down in his shpit 16 (I ain't hating.. fly what you want it's a free , it's a 14 dollar game) and then he turns up in a lala, and then in a .. you know. Unluick that brit skill tree.. then get to work on unlocking the ruskis n the germsans.. that way we'd be seeing a lot of lower tier planes flown in the mix- I would be guilty of sticking to my mains personally.. like being a betch in a tempest when I feel like being a basterd.. or my pink9 when I feel like being pretty.. or my favourite Ki-84 when I feel like clicking the thing in the plane menu and taking off. or when I wanna hop in an f4u4 and shoot absolutely nothing down since 50 cals have always been a mystery to me... but it scares people. Sometimes when I feel fat I fly a n1k.. but I should hae to earn that toejam by getting in a Spitfarm first, or a ki-suicide.  or the f4 I'm so dead cause I can't run away. Man, I awnna fly that p39 (uh was that in the game) and hae others come at me with like another deathtrap while some basted (proably some the few lemur) in a tempest tries to cherry us.


Sometimes when I drink a lot of Guinness my brain starts to act like this thread... which I happen to think is pretty awesome.

Carry on, sir.


You mean you also start vomiting words like there's no tomorrow (as if I know what day is tomorrow).
The first time I bought a guinness I joinked it before it was settled and it was more embarassing than the time when I went limp. Now I just drink tequila sprites like yer man in hard Boiled while pretending to play the flute (no homo)

oh and in case you haven't seen this piece of master of work of pieces of art of movies o.. this is how you make a tequila slammer and you must learn how to play the flute (no homo) cause that extends the drunk

well here's the whole movie starting with how one makes such a drink of great magnitude and hopefully 10 more. just buy those uh double chaser things because they somehow magically stop hangovers with their activated charchoal and whatnot

warning: lots of awesome.


Well, at least I almost grew moustache. I guesss nothing needs to change. I've forgotten a lot but I got the bug after watching a bunch egomaniac films of myself getting lucky time n time again.
A tip to people getting bored of AH2:
Major head trauma. Til be like a noo game again see.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 12:51:21 AM by RumbleB »