This concept is lost on both sides.... But at least your all talking about it....
..In time it will grow... Just like anything there will always be opposing views. Until a person dedicates time to PURE NO ICON play and truly understands the nuances of the NO ICON style of game play there is no way you will convince them to understand
the gestalt that PURE NO ICONS delivers. No icons has its place. The MA is not that place. The MA serves the purpose of growing and maintaining subscribers, old and especially new. In the MA a new joiner can fly any air craft any time. It gets them on the hook so to speak...... NO icons in the MA would be detrimental to the bottom line because it would chase off new subscriber's. IMO it is rude and selfish to expect Hi tech to change his business model over such a wish when there are other areas to implement any setting you wish..
In Aces High there is something for everyone... Remember there are several other arenas to choose from... In regard to limited icons The AVA offers a type of limited icons.... It also offers axis vs allied match ups. That satisfies a market share..
Then we have the
FSO... there, its historical match ups with
shorter icon ranges. why do they use shorter icon ranges there???.... Think of no icons as an intensification of that effect... No icons kicks it up a few notches for some.
Don't for get WW1, sea, mid war early war... all available for us to enjoy…
FINALY we have the ultimate freedom in the CUSTOM ARENAS. Most of you do not take advantage of it. There is so much available to you that is under utilized.
In THE CUSTOM ARENAS you can do what you want. Do your own thing….Get a group of like minded guys together and do what you want in the custom arenas..
20k Icons, no icons, only spits vs spits, cats vs dogs, GV against air craft, no eny icons, 200 icon range each side, what ever..... Build it and somebody will like it...
But for crap sake no mater how folks like to enjoy this sim … Don't begrudge them for wanting to do something different than you. Diversity is a good thing... Do your thing, in your own space, don't force it on the masses. Make it available for those that choose to try it in the custom arenas.. Heck I used to criticize guys for flying spits because I felt it was an easy cheap way to get a kill and was a lazy mans plane who didnt want to chalenge himself shame on me...Now I'm embarrassed I ever acted that way... To each there own..
Screw what others think.
Especially the ones that are to dogmatic to debate a topic without treating their opposition respectfully..