Heck no!
Not only is it so open to abuse that it willl NEVER be implemented, I pay my money same as you do. I pay to fly any plane, anywhere at any time I like. I do not pay so some person who who pays the same as me but plays a slightly differant way can tell me how to play this game! If I want to up of a CV, let me! What makes it your place to say I can or can't.
Also some planes need more time to get to altitude. You stop launches until it is at 'your' optimum launch point, but how about me? I don't fly LW monsters. I fly the D3A or B5N and if a fighter is needed it is the a6m2 or the Sea Hurri. These take more time to get to the same altitude as your f6f. So by stopping me launching, I am now at a disadvantage. I will be lower and not have the altitude advantage that is helpful.
Think on all sides and how it will affect all players before making a wish.