Youre confusing it, Changeup.
At sea level, the Spit14 does 360-362mph against the Dora's 372-374, thats not a huge difference. The 190 can win the chase though, thanks to its very long lasting wep.
The climb rate is on the Spit14's side, at the maximum of ~4600-5000 feet/min, depending on the fuel load, while the 190 only tops out at 3900-4200. This isnt a huge difference either.
The Spit14 clearly out-accelerates the D9 from 150 to 300 at any alt.
The Spit turns around in 17.5 seconds at sea level, while it takes 20.2 in the Dora. The spit also turns on a smaller circle and has a much slower stall speed, also actually it can open its flaps, reverse and overshoot.
The Dora wins in the roll rate at any speed, dives a lot better and has twice as much ammo. Also feels more steady while aiming (for me).
The 190 stalls more steadily and smoothly, but the point is, the spit doesnt even need to pull that far to completely dominate a 190... true, its not even close to a spit16, but still a turnyer ride than anything whats only nearly as fast.
So... when im screaming into the sea of red, the 190 is my choice, but i highly doubt that in a co-alt 1v1 or 2v2 or 5v5 a group of 190s can ever defeat a group of spit14s.
Actually, the Spit14 is very close to the 109K4. The differences are:
-the guns. A shotgun vs the hizookas, personal preference. In good hands, both can be awesome.
-the Spit is a little bit slower under 28K but the difference is marginal. Climbs a little bit better on wep though.
-the spit has much less wep.
-the spit turns much better in a sustained turn but has worse flaps and stalls a bit strange.
I found everything else to be quite simmilar, even the dive compression is nearly the same.
The jock of all trades is the La7: turns much better than both the K4 or the Spit14, has awesome flaps, hard-hitting guns, isnt compressing up to 500mph+ faster than both (under 10k) and climbs almost as good.