There's a new generation of players AH has to win over, and it's a different generation.
No, not "worse". This is not a "console gamer" bashing. Different. Just as 'we' were different to the generations before, had different interests and knowledge.
Those who grew up in the 60's 70's and early 80's (or maybe in the 19th century, hello Earl!
) had for the most part a genuine interest in and knowledge of WWII aviation before finally ending up on AH. For those, AH and similar games was a dream come true, a way to live the fantasy of being a Spitfire, Lightning or 109 pilot. I'm amongst them, going from books (google 'book' if you don't know what that is), plastic models (dam glue everywhere!) desktop (not computer!) flight sim games to the earliest computer sims.
But this generation is already dying out, not necessarily physically, but as gamers (yes, it's a game after all). Growing older takes it's toll. Interest fades, more responsibilities (family), bills have to be paid.
Like all games, AH needs a constant stream of new players. Young players.
And someone born in 1998 has a totally different history than one in 1968. WWII is WAAAAAAAY ago. Many other conflicts since them, other weapons and machines. WW2 planes may be as far away to him than Napoleonic cavalry was to my generation. And he has a totally different gaming socialisation than us as well.
For this 'new' player, AH2 is 'just another game' (which, again, it actually is.) He won't come in drooling because he finally will be able to fly a FW 190A-8 (wuts dat?).
It's a game, and he wants to be entertained by it. He probably does not even want to buy an archaic controller called "joystick" to see if he likes this game or not.
And 'we' players, not just HTC, have to keep these differences in mind when dealing with him.