Author Topic: A Public Apology to Badboy  (Read 9186 times)

Offline Slash27

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2013, 10:17:32 AM »
TC is actually a hell of a fun guy while Badboy is known to do exactly what was described. But at the end of the day, who cares? We all get wrapped up in AH world a bit too much for our own good and Shida is about as stand up as they come in my book.  :salute Shida.

Offline SAJ73

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2013, 10:21:52 AM »
No, it was not Zorro. I need to chew on it for ahwile.. I kinda picture me the letters in the hazy distant, but they don't get clear enough to read..  :rolleyes:

Argh, it's like I can see the name but can't pronounce it.  :furious

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2013, 10:34:20 AM »
Hope I am not shooting myself in the leg here, but it reminds me of IrishOne.. The name I see in my head. I am not saying it was, but the letters in the name fit in my head as I remember that name. But I've fought IrishOne a number of times in MA and never thought of it, and he really stands out as a overall nice guy too. Have saluted back and forth after numerous fun fights with him, resulting in chatting on pm's and all in good fun. So I must be remembering wrong..  :noid
Can't even recall I've seen him fly the Tempest much in MA either when I think of it.
No, it must be another name I'm thinking of.. Possibly some of the same letters.  :headscratch:

Offline Midway

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2013, 10:38:08 AM »
Hope I am not shooting myself in the leg here, but it reminds me of IrishOne.. The name I see in my head. I am not saying it was, but the letters in the name fit in my head as I remember that name. But I've fought IrishOne a number of times in MA and never thought of it, and he really stands out as a overall nice guy too. Have saluted back and forth after numerous fun fights with him, resulting in chatting on pm's and all in good fun. So I must be remembering wrong..  :noid
Can't even recall I've seen him fly the Tempest much in MA either when I think of it.
No, it must be another name I'm thinking of.. Possibly some of the same letters.  :headscratch:

Can't be IrishOne, an awesome nice, smart, caring, good and just plain cool pilot. :rock

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2013, 10:42:44 AM »
Can't be IrishOne, an awesome nice, smart, caring, good and just plain cool pilot. :rock

Totally agreed Midway, he is! So no, can't be him! I just can't remember the name, maybe it will come to me at a later occation when I am not trying so hard.  :P
So if I shout out a sudden name with no context to the regarding thread, you will know what it's all about.  :rofl

Offline zack1234

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2013, 10:46:51 AM »
Is he really Irish or 9th generation American Irish? :)
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Offline SAJ73

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2013, 10:48:17 AM »
Or does he just drink alot of Irish coffee? Some say... I know nothing.  :noid

Offline Copprhed

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2013, 11:46:15 AM »
The pilot that Shida's referring to has gone by several nicks, he will interfere in matches at the private areas, will wait til two pilots are engaged away from everyone else and the pick them both, after which he get junk started on chat. He won't dual you, just run his mouth. His plan is to just spoil everyone's good time. The only successful way to fight this, I've found is to rally everyone who will, to hunt this player til he leaves, which is usually pretty quickly, though he sometimes comes right back under a different nick.....and he does have an uncanny ability to find a specific play in a group of similar planes and pick the one player......
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Offline Fulcrum

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2013, 01:25:58 PM »
The ominose tempest picktard had a new name every day, thats why you cant remember him. Also he was jumping into private duels even after being asked to stay out.

The other one was called DikTater, and he actually fought in that tempon.

DikTater was never skilled enough, in my mind, to qualify as being one of the indivduals who were mentioned previously. I've fought him.  He's good, but not what I would consider "great" i.e. if I could beat him in a turny fight every once in a blue moon (which, if memory serves, I did on Furball Lake if not in an official 1v1 duel) he can't possibly be "BadBoy" or anyone else at that level.    

Then again....who cares who he is?   ;)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 01:27:35 PM by Fulcrum »
Going by "Hoplite" now. :)

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2013, 02:00:29 PM »
TC is actually a hell of a fun guy while Badboy is known to do exactly what was described. But at the end of the day, who cares? We all get wrapped up in AH world a bit too much for our own good and Shida is about as stand up as they come in my book.  :salute Shida.


Offline Delirium

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2013, 02:38:36 PM »
Suddenly Badboy is innocent and TC is guilty?

I strongly urge this community to keep their conjectures to themselves without solid proof. Witch hunts tend to spiral out of control and just diminishes a community (of any kind). If you don't believe me, ask Rebecca Nurse.
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Offline Triton28

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2013, 02:55:20 PM »
If you don't believe me, ask Rebecca Nurse.

If we did, and she answered, I think she'd be guilty of exactly what we thought she was innocent of all this time.   :)

My lame humor aside, I do think this community as a whole would do well to stfu about anything cartoonishly important for a while.  There has been a lot of typing without thinking going on lately. 

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Offline Kingpin

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2013, 03:22:44 PM »
TC is actually a hell of a fun guy while Badboy is known to do exactly what was described. But at the end of the day, who cares? We all get wrapped up in AH world a bit too much for our own good and Shida is about as stand up as they come in my book.  :salute Shida.

I personally have recently (in the last 2 months or so) seen TC flying as himself in the DA Furball Lake.  I think he does similar to what I do, which is go in for a couple sorties and "warm up" before the MA or FSO or whatever.  He seems to me to have always been one of the gentlemen in there.  He will also talk about how there are too many tempon pickers or smack talkers, so it would surprise me greatly if he turned around and did the same thing to grief people.

On the other hand, I understand where Shida is coming from, as he likes to fly in the DA Furball Lake and wants to "clean up" the activity in there.   I supposed he has made it his mission to expose this greifer, though I'm not sure that will change anything.  This shade flying a tempest and using a second account in god mode to single out and pick players is not a figment of Shida's imagination.  I found out after shooting him down (some name I'd never seen before), and he decided he needed vengence and found me (and only me) in a large furball and picked me in his tempie.  He then PM'd me to gloat about it, and even admitted during the conversation that he used god mode to find me.

Between this clown and the pilot-formerly-known-as-Bong's incessant verbal abuse of players on 200, the DA Lake probably is in need of some clean up.  I just don't know how that is possible, short of having a regular mod in there or simply disabling the ALL and 200 channels entirely.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 03:25:45 PM by Kingpin »
Quote from: bozon
For those of us playing this game for well over a decade, Aces High is more of a social club. The game just provides the framework. I keep logging in for the people and Pipz was the kind that you keep coming to meet again.

Offline LCADolby

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2013, 04:48:06 PM »
TC was most definitely the smack talking and volatile V1PER, the manner in which he smacked talked and trolled, this one's a winner.  :old:
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Offline nrshida

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Re: A Public Apology to Badboy
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2013, 12:07:05 AM »
I hereby withdraw my apology to Badboy.

Badboy, you truly are one disturbed individual. I would urge you to seek professional help instead of running your Jekyll & Hyde routine in the 'safe' realms of internet anonymity.

To the rest of the community: I cannot share the evidence I have now been supplied with to support my original conclusion regarding the connection between the player featuring in the films posted both by Gunzo / Zippy and Badboy. I am not the only member of this community to have seen it, but it cannot be shared without compromising the individual who supplied it, and unless they choose to do so that is where it stops. Thank you to that individual for stepping forth and maintaining my sanity.

I accept that some will now question my credibility because of this last twist marked by the original post in this thread and if you choose to dismiss everything I have said because of this then so be it. I would apologize to TC however he has been shading and griefing in his own way and if you choose to do that, and associate with this person, well then frankly you can expect to have some poo flung at you. I am presently in no mood to apologize to anyone further.

This has been a very conclusive lesson for me about what some people are using the internet, the game of Aces High and its forum for. My opinion of the depths, ingenuity and energy some people put into this kind of activity was woefully short of the mark. Adjustment made. Let this be a lesson to everyone to trust your instincts and not be swayed by any notion of an artificially cultivated 'good character'.

Addressing the forthcoming s**tstorm which is undoubtedly heading in my direction: I have met some fantastic people through this game and forum, funny people, clever people, knowledgeable people and people of admirable character who have not let difficult backgrounds twist them into monstrous shapes. Now THAT is strength of character. I shall henceforth confine my interaction to those people. To the 'others': don't even waste your energy. I now know what you're all about, I will simply ignore you. I have no time nor taste to engage with people who's emotional intelligence and self awareness is so low as to to disqualify you from a 'normal' exchange.

I shall continue to fly Aces High, as nrshida, and I will not be pushed away from my hobby nor this forum. So \/.. basically.

To all my friends in Aces High, and I only now realize just how many I have, I shall henceforth be detuning from channel 200, from Country channel and from '1 All' in the DA. If you want to talk to me either PM me in game or send me a forum message and I will supply you with the information for my channel on the GFC's Ventrillo server. I will have Ventrillo on whenever I fly. Any abusive PMs from anyone else and I'll have you squelched by the end of your first sentence and then report you.

It's high time this game returned to what it was originally all about.

I will respond to the large amount of PMs I have received over the next few days.

Happy Friday Pipz!
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