To me, I consider it an attempted HO if I'm headed toward an enemy and from the time I see him, all I see is -o-, and at around 1000 yards I start hearing gunfire as I do my avoidance thing. If I'd so chosen, I could've put my pipper on him and returned fire.
I don't know what you mean by -o-...
But the amount of peeps in this game saying that they didn't HO you right after they just did is just too funny. It would appear most of these guys either don't want to admit it on 200 and therefore have it be known as their first choice of attack. Or it is a possibility that they aren't quite intelligent enough to figure out the geometry behind said engagement. It's a near guarantee that this will happen when a con comes in from either a couple turns with him or from bouncing above. As you stated, if I can get my pipper around on them, yet choose not to do it because I don't want to shoot them in the face, IT IS A HO to me. But when I say nice HO, the response is almost always along the lines of, HO??? I was going for rudder shot, or I was shooting the back of your plane how could it be a HO? Yeah that's why I have radiator hits, blood and poof - because of tail shots...It's even funnier when they say the didn't HO because of their position, they were inverted...lmao.
Lead turns are great, right up until your first lead turn to avoid HO puts you squarely in the path of another 2-5 HO'ers by different bish cons. Yes, I put myself there...but in this case it's not even the HO as a conscious choice, its the
desperation for a killl that they have to HO him before the other does cause there are 5 of them here and won't get a kill this sortie...