I see the issues. How about just a Thumbs up, Meh, or Thumbs down button, no perks or score effected. Somewhere a players Thumbs up count is listed.
Maybe silly. Just trying to think of a way to reward the guys that make the game enjoyable and are a positive part of it. Has nothing to do with skill, the game is supported and gets a lot of its personality from the thousands of average and below players. The good sticks are important, but good ACM and being a fun guy to fly with/against aren't necessarily connected. The learning curve is steep already. A quality new guy who runs into a few poor experiences with people being *&^%s might not stick around.
Sort of like an archery or bowling league. The scores may matter to the individual players, but an awful bowler who makes things fun, recruits new players, stays after to sweep up, etc , is a way bigger asset than a negative guy with great skills. If you have $500 to pay out from the league, you give the hot bowlers/shooters $50 worth of trophies and spend the other $450 keeping the other 90% happy and interested with some door prizes and a BBQ night. They pay the bills.