Sounds cool for more than one reason .... but .... when a change involves both a change to the strat system (wholly in the hands of the developers) and re-done/new maps (mostly a player thing now) it sounds like the coordination alone makes for difficulty in implementing.
Nevertheless, and thanks. It will make for an interesting discussion and I'm looking forward to hearing additional perspectives.
Perhaps have the 'local factories' and railyards/convoy systems contribute/ effect locally.
So if strats are up 100%, and say.. Large field A105 gets their system hit, then only that base suffers. Giving more incentive to defend that base.
However, if the strats are damaged, then that local system injures that base that much more. However, it doesn't cripple the base.
Maybe if the factory(s) and railyard(s) contribute to add or take away 5 mins or so to the hanger downtime. I think they would be primal targets. I mean right now they are only what, 15 mins? Down from 30? It would only add 5 minutes.
I would also like to see lyric's suggestion (IN another thread which link I do NOT have), of AA gunners. I don't recall how many are on a field in total, but I think all the Auto firing guns that exist now, should fire as they do now, but players should be able to man them. That would be cool.
But do you think this is reasonable? Do reply, and anyone else is welcome to comment, if you don't like it, please give a logicial reason as to why.