Guys, remember KISS. Keep it simple, stupid.
The one thing I don't like about awarding bases a point value is that the bases really are strewn pretty randomly across the map. There's no logical pattern, and it would ignore position. It would also do nothing to make low-number fights easier to find, or increase bomber sorties, etc. Additionally, it would be far easier to game than my proposed system, as are most systems that simply modify an existing setup in an attempt to control behavior.
While it could have merit on a map built for the system from the ground up, as it stands, its just a new flavor on the old system.
However, needing to bomb either strats or the city is a decent idea.
OHHH OHH OHH! *waves hand frantically* I has an idea I does I does!
Each base we have now would have resources attached to it, be it destructible (like I mentioned in another thread of factories tied to each base and such) OR, they just have that value 'built in'.
So each base has specific resources with it, we shall assume built in.
Lets say you need 10 large 8 medium 5 small 4 Vbases and 3 ports per side at the start
And in order to win you need 2 ports 2-3 Vbases 3+ small 6 medium and 6-7 large bases. (maybe smaller, just throwing out numbers here)
Once you reach the amount of resources required on both sides, WALA you have won da warz.
Each base has resources unique only to that type of field, so (for example) if you need pizza to win the war, then you need to take a large airfield because they are the only field who has pizzas.
Make sense? It's simple, it is easy, and I like pizza. So there.
P.S. This way we wouldn't have 'the random base grabbing that we do today. Right now it's steam roll, if they are 'linked' (linked = having a GV spawn into it) then that base is steamrolled. With this, it would make it so that you have to hit specific targets 'strategically' and be effective, because you must get those bases to get the resources in order to win the war.
Another thought just hit me, if you have too much of a specific resource then you should be penalized for it. Now if you need 15% and you have 16-17% then that isn't a big deal, but if you have say 20%+, then there is an issue, as to what the penalties will be.. HTC would have to decide which bases would have what resources and what the percentages would be for all that.
Pretty much it would be a complete overhaul of the war system and how it is won. Somethings easier than others, but I think it would work. At least if you are penalized for having too much of one resource we won't see steamrolling so much anymore, because you could possibly get penalized for it!
Also, just like right now how many bases the enemies have, it would show how many resources the enemies have, that way players would have a reason to defend that one base because of the resources linked to it.
Just my thoughts.