Author Topic: Videos Luftwaffe Finis, Thundering P-47s, F-105s in VN, Ploesti B-24s, F-86  (Read 137 times)

Offline zeno303

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Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In Big August 2013 Newsletter

Hello World War 2 & jet aircraft fans
You are invited to drop by Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In  to view our August selection of eight exciting classic aviation streaming over the Web in broadband, including three films commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Ploesti  mission.

As always, all of the videos showing on our web site are for your free viewing pleasure. Please help "spread the word" by liking us on Facebook!

Now Showing "At the Matinee" at Zeno's Drive-In Free admission!

* Luftwaffe Finis! Restored Color. I produced this documentary from unedited, silent footage. Recently discovered color film of top Luftwaffe leaders and pilots taken as they fell into Allied hands at the end of World War II. You'll see startlingly realistic color footage of Herman Goering, Albert Kesselring, Adolf Galland, Hans Ulrich Rudel and many more. Captured aircraft are shown as well, including an Me 262, the first jet fighter, and an FW 190. You'll be amazed when you see these color images out of the past.

* The 362 Fighter Group, on the prowl over Germany . Restored Color. Exclusive Production! Select 362nd Fighter Group P-47 Thunderbolt fighter/bombers were specially equipped with extra color movie cameras to capture thrilling ground and air attacks as they happened. These squadrons were tasked with striking targets inside Germany as the war against the Third Reich entered it's final act in Spring, 1945. The result is unique "from the cockpit" views putting you in the middle of attacks on tanks, airfields, trucks, rail yards, bridges, trains, fighters, and more

* The 98th Bomb Group: B-24 Liberators Over Africa. This is an exclusive production. Recently discovered footage shows Medal of Honor winner Col. John R. "Killer " Kane and the men of the 98th Bomb Group in the Summer of 1943, shortly before the heroic, costly Ploesti mission, at their desert base in Benghazi/Benina, Libya. You'll see legendary B-24 Liberators like "The Vulgar Virgin," "The Sandman," and "War Cloud." Sadly, several of these ships were filmed here for the last time before they were lost over Romania.

* US Bombing Raids on the Ploesti Oil Fields 1942-43 These are two films commemorate the costly missions flown by the US Army Air Force against the Ploesti oil fields in Romania in 1943-44. August 1st marks the 70th Anniversary of the first

* B-24 Liberators over Europe 1942-1945 .This remarkable film was produced by the Eighth Air Force from combat camera footage showing B-24s in action over Europe. From Ploesti to Berlin, you'll discover memorable Liberator scenes not found anywhere else, including pulse pounding air attacks.

* The Twenty Five Hour Day: F-105s in Vietnam. Restored Color. This film, produced by Fairchild-Hiller-Republic for the US Air Force, offers a unique look inside F-105 "Thunderchief" ("The Thud!") fighter-bomber operations when the air campaign against North Vietnamese supply lines was ramping up into to high gear.

* The Fighting 51st: F-86 Sabre Jets in Korea. Restored. This revealing documentary was produced by the US Air Force during the Korean War. You'll see members of all sections of the 'Fighting 51st" Fighter Group and their F-86 Sabres in action. The film covers a typical mission, from planning through touchdown. One of the highlights of the film is an address by Francis "Gabby" Gabreski, legendary 56th Fighter Group ace in World War 2 and CO of the 51st in Korea.

* Interrogation of Enemy Airmen - USAAF 1943. This fascinating film, from the archives of the Central Intelligence Agency, was produced during World War 2 to train American "AIOs" (Air Intelligence Officers) in techniques for interrogating captured enemy airmen, gathering vital intelligence

We also show 1940-45 vintage WWII Army & Navy films and pilot's manuals on how to fly the F4U, F6F, P-38, P-39, P-40, P-47, P-51, P-61, TBF/TBM, AT-6/SNJ, B-17, B-24, B-25, A-20, A-26, B-26, B-29, and Stearman N2S. Alert! - don't miss the F-86, B-47 & B-58!

Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In
World War II Aviation Videos Playing Online 24/7
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Web Videos: Luftwaffe Finis, Thundering P-47s, F-105s in Vietnam, Ploesti B-24s, F-86s & more
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 03:43:49 PM by Skuzzy »

Offline Skuzzy

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Thanks Zeno!

Note:  I shortened your title a little to prevent problems with people trying to respond.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline morfiend

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  Looks like I'll be at the drive in for the next couple weeks! :aok

   Great stuff as always Zeno.

