While I tend to stick with a single plane each Tour, anyone who knows me well knows that I get bored easily.
The last month or so I've been flying the Zeke family, primarily because:
a.) In my eight years playing this game I've had very little stick time with the Zeke, and
b.) despite its agility, it's a challenge to fight and survive in because it's slow. Also, it is the WWII version of the Ford Pinto
It's been fun...but sadly, I am now I'm getting bored again. I blame it on my A.D.D.
So I want to throw a few questions out to the understanding, unemotional, mature, and helpful "General Discussion" readers:
- What plane would you suggest I try next?
** - Why do you make this suggestion?
*** - What factors will I need to take into consideration to be successful with this plane?
****My thanks in advance.
XOXOFULCRUM * For those kiddies too young to remember the Pinto, you may find the following article informative: http://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/news/industry/top-automotive-engineering-failures-ford-pinto-fuel-tanks** Suggestions that I should stop flying fighters because "you suckzor at ACM" will be ignored. I'm well aware of, and am comfortable with, my extremely limited and generally laughable skill set. *** Please, do try to be a bit more specific than "Because it's awesome / da bomb / knarley , dude!"