Looking at the details on this one:
http://ahevents.org/fso-current-next-event.htmlIt seems rather lopsided.
You limit the K-4s and the 190Ds... But, why?
190Ds were very common in late 1944. They were replacing 190As rapidly on all fronts. Over 1000 were built and in well over 500 were in service starting back in mid-1944, not long after the P-51D entered service. It's not like they can fly over 30K, and it's not like they pose a threat to any plane in the lineup except maybe the P-47 (experience shows the higher alt and faster P-51s eat it alive and the P-38 does so too). Then you limit the K4. K-4s have the high-alt power that no other Luftwaffe plane in the game has, save the buggy flight modeled Ta152 (which wasn't available in this gime frame anyways). BUT other planes DID have this performance in WW2. The K-4 stands in for the late-model 109G-6s -- which are not to be confused with our low-alt G-14. Our G-14 is nice and all, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't have the high-alt power that this setup needs. In WW2 the Bf109s were getting high alt power in a number of different variants, not the least of which was a late-model G-6 which is much more like our in-game K-4 than it is like our G-14. They used this high-alt power to engage bombers and escort fighters.
It is nice to see the 410 there, but it will be dogmeat with all those late-war US rides hoarding the skies. The 410 depends on pockets of undefended bombers, or windows to slip in before escorts are there. The 262 will be useless (IMO) since allied planes will simply camp its landing spots and vulch it (which I've seen happen in past FSOs), since it MUST land at only a few fields.
The current setup boils down to mostly G-14s and 190A-8s. I know the G-14 is capable, and I enjoy flying it.... but it really does suffer at altitude especially when fighting the alt war that Aces High runs every time the 8th AF scenario rears its ugly head. Luftwaffe really need some help on this setup, as its currently written.