But it is a smaller target then a spit too. Most snapshots I gave would only allow a few pings to land and mostly those were spread over the frame. But because it is so small any good hit is a bad thing.
There is not much in the way of none critical areas as its all packed so tight.
This only means that the damage is spread over the various components instead of concentrated in destroying one. They are much more durable that I would have expected. On quite a few occasions they survived flying through the quad-hispano stream from a mossie, shedding a part or two, but continue flying. I attribute that to the above mentioned effect that spreads the damage, as well as being so small that part of the scatter pattern of the cannons just miss it by a hair.
As to how it flies, I seriously suspect something is wrong with its modeling at high AoA. First time I rolled it I pulled up into a steep climb after take off - it wouldn't slow down, so I kept pulling and completed a loop (more like an inverted gamma shape) going WTF?

I cannot prove it until I do some testing, but that takes time. 3500 feet per minute climb at 80 mph (70 mph below best climb speed, on the back side of the power curve) with full left rudder and stall buzzer howling is very suspicious. I may be wrong.