Author Topic: Complete noob at trying to access off-line staged missions  (Read 1415 times)

Offline Sabre

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Complete noob at trying to access off-line staged missions
« on: August 29, 2013, 07:09:31 PM »
Okay, I've spent an hour in the forums trying to figure out how to get/upload/play off line a staged mission.  I'm stumped.  I tried to go to 00Cougan's page and down load a .res file for 2.28, which I could do, and placed it in the misres directory.  But the terrain link on his site is broken.  I don't have the Resource Uploader (do I need this?). I'm actually running the most up to date version of AH, btw, not 2.28.  So, I'm completely confused on how to get staged missions to play in off-line play.
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Offline MrKrabs

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Re: Complete noob at trying to access off-line staged missions
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2013, 07:43:49 PM »
Okay, I've spent an hour in the forums trying to figure out how to get/upload/play off line a staged mission.  I'm stumped.  I tried to go to 00Cougan's page and down load a .res file for 2.28, which I could do, and placed it in the misres directory.  But the terrain link on his site is broken.  I don't have the Resource Uploader (do I need this?). I'm actually running the most up to date version of AH, btw, not 2.28.  So, I'm completely confused on how to get staged missions to play in off-line play.

99% of the stuff out there is out-dated and pre-date staged missions before they changed over from offline missions only...

Many of the old missions have to be loaded into the mission editor and re-saved under the new format, but has failed in many ways...

Currently your best bet is to open up a custom arena and sift through missions that peak your interest, then you can even download them for yourself and have happy time offline...


You can get a hold of someone who is actively building missions and make a request...


the best one of all, you can make some yourself... I do have a tutorial available on the prime basics... Also, like above, you can get a hold of active mission builders to teach you....
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Offline DRILL

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Re: Complete noob at trying to access off-line staged missions
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2013, 08:08:43 PM »
i lIKE TO SEE SOME UPDATED ONES....AND SOME FOR TRAINING ..opps caps.. :old: :bhead  :joystick:
Drill /384th FA/CH 364th

Offline MrKrabs

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Re: Complete noob at trying to access off-line staged missions
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2013, 08:32:26 PM »
i lIKE TO SEE SOME UPDATED ONES....AND SOME FOR TRAINING ..opps caps.. :old: :bhead  :joystick:

Going to be re-uploading some of my training ones this weekend - so hold tight :)
The boiling pot is put away and the crab has gone back to sea...

Offline DRILL

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Re: Complete noob at trying to access off-line staged missions
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2013, 09:36:04 PM »
Going to be re-uploading some of my training ones this weekend - so hold tight :)

  That would be Great ..Ill keep  :O  out  :aok
Drill /384th FA/CH 364th

Offline Sabre

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Re: Complete noob at trying to access off-line staged missions
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2013, 02:27:30 PM »
Going to be re-uploading some of my training ones this weekend - so hold tight :)

Cool. Looking forward to it. Regarding opening a custom arena and looking through the ones in there, how does that work? Does it mean anyone can join in the custom mission I select? And how do I download the mission I find there so I can play it offline?  Thanks.
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Offline MrKrabs

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Re: Complete noob at trying to access off-line staged missions
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2013, 02:57:57 PM »
Staged Missions ----> Select Missions...

Then if you want to see all of them despite whatever terrain you're on, just click the box to show all...

Select the mission and click download, it should give you a quick copy of the .res...

Once that's done you just need to load the correct terrain offline...
The boiling pot is put away and the crab has gone back to sea...

Offline Sabre

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Re: Complete noob at trying to access off-line staged missions
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2013, 01:06:39 PM »
Thanks, guys. Managed to get a couple of the BoB missions to work off-line, though it's not exactly intuitive :bhead .  May take a hack at creating my own sometime in the not to distant future.  Appreciate the help. :salute
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