Well what about this then:
Plane is set against a clear blue sky? Full icon range.
Plane ducks into the clouds? Reduced icon range.
Looking down on an aircraft camo'ed against the deck clutter? Reduced icon range.
The problem with the above, though, is how do you handle skins? USN/MC colors would break up the aircraft's outline if you're looking down on it over water but not over land. Vice-versa with aircraft that are varying shades of green or brown. And BMF aircraft are going to be highly visible regardless of the backdrop. And of course the Moo Cow 109 skin sticks out like a sore thumb against anything but snow (which we don't have winter terrains in the Mains). Not to mention aircraft that might have different camo patterns available. IE, what about the F4F, F4U or F6F, which have both USN/MC colors as well as RAF camo patterns? RAF patterns would break up the outline over land but stick out over water, while US would do the opposite.