Author Topic: Staged Missions for level and dive bombing practice  (Read 1000 times)

Offline mustng2

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Staged Missions for level and dive bombing practice
« on: September 23, 2013, 02:13:37 PM »
The instructions for the missions are below and posted as a pdf.  Let me know if you have any problems or suggestions.

I uploaded several very simple staged missions for bombing practice.  They all start with smfld for small field and you take off from a field on auto takeoff and then warp to a point near a small enemy airfield.  Either heavy fighter or B17 or B24.  There are a total of 3 or 4 friendly planes and 4 enemy planes.  They work best if you use a custom arena which is very simple to set up.  There are no briefings to minimize the mission time.  It only takes about 2 minutes to be in the air 10000 feet over your target ready to drop and then repeat.
1.  Go to the on line arenas and click on Create Arena.
2.  Name your arena anything you want
3.  Choose ndisles terrain.  Leave everything else at default.  Click Create.   
4.  Click on Options/Arena Setup/Environment/Arena Settings/General Tab.  Go to Exit while Moving/Change and check Plane/OK.  Go to Flight Model flags/Change and check Lead Computed Gunsight and Dive Bombsight to use the Dive Bombsight and Lead Computed Gunsight,  Click OK/Close.  Do not click Save.  Back/Back to the first clipboard screen.
5.  Click on Staged Missions when you are in the tower, then Select Mission.  Deselect Load Mission Arena Settings.
6.  In the top menu click on a mission.  smfldp51 means the heavy fighters are p51s etc.
7.  Click Download so you can play it off line.
8.  Click Load Mission
9.  Click Populate Mission, click on your name and double click the plane you want to fly usually no. 1.  If more people join your arena, you can assign them to either group of planes.  Excellent Squad practice.
10.  Close the Populate window and click on Start Mission.  It may take you back to the first tower view.  Just click on Staged Missions, then Start Mission.
11.  Click Start Now.  It will put you in your plane and you should Auto Takeoff if your throttle is up.  If you don't, take off manually and maintain runway heading.
12.  You will warp to a point near a small enemy field when you get to about 500-1000 feet.
13.  Choose your target and drop your ords on the target.
14.  For the heavy fighter missions, the friendly AI planes will attack 4 AI A6Ms.  They are heavy and won't do well so you can try to shoot down the A6Ms.  For the B17 and B24 mission, there are 4 enemy 109s.  You can engage them or crash to end your mission.
15.  Crash or click End Sortie on the clip board when you are through and then click Staged Missions/Kill Mission. 
16.  Go back to step 5 and repeat until you are confident of your ability to bomb targets.  At some point you need to deselect the  Dive Bombsight and Lead Computed Gunsight.

17.  For off line play, choose ndisles for the terrain at the first Aces High screen.
18.  Follow steps 4-6 and 10-16, there is no populate or load required.