Hey, they were in 3 hours! What means: he upped a 262, took like 40 mins to get to alt, and suddenly, he just ran into some bombers what are almost as fast as he is. Kiled poor TWCscotty, landed. Then instantly upped again, took 40 mins to climb up to 36k, and all by accident, ran into wd39 in his B29s. That poor fella never had a chance to fire his guns - he might have been afk.
I dont have proof on this. But since the B29 can go amost as fast as a 262 up there, also the 262 does not have the climb rate advantage to attack from above, he must have been flying in from an angle what was close to what we call a "dead six". Also, we all know what a B29 set can do with anything in his dead six... thats why i guess, they must have been afk, or some really, i mean really poor gunners.