Author Topic: 49th MEGA RAID on the off Friday week  (Read 256 times)

Offline Viper61

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49th MEGA RAID on the off Friday week
« on: September 28, 2013, 12:59:55 PM »
Although not technically a FSO event it is somewhat connected in that this off the books mission takes place on the off week Friday from the FSO at about the same time or earlier so its worth posting here I believe.  Passing this along to those that may not know that this activity happens.  Its a lot of fun.  And once you get into the air you'll recognize many of the call signs.

Last night being the off Friday 49th put up an excellent mission in the Late War Arena.  A STRAT raid using about 45 bombers (counting formations) and escorts attacking the ROOK STRAT's.  It was a lot of fun and lasted a little over an hour.  High fighting adventure at 30K and a running gun battle for nearly 100 miles.  Everything you look for in a great FSO mission.  The formation was a great looking box of bombers as well.  Just an awesome sight to see that we all to often don't get to.

I know most of us really enjoy the late war setups in which large formations of US bombers attempt to penetrate the bad guy territory and rain havoc down upon the bad guys.  And I know there's a bunch of guys in here that really enjoy the mission of trying to get to the bombers and attack them using German Iron.  3 of us from the 325th VFG had the pleasure of scouting / escorting in P-51D's. 

<S> to 49MERLIN for posting it.  <S> to the 49th who many of the bombers along with several of the FB's.

And if your looking for a fun mission on the off Friday night week from FSO.  Look for these missions on the Knight Side of the Late War Arena.  I would also hope that we would start posting these missions early and generate a larger participation.