I thought others would have commented by now, but I guess not, so I'll take my shot at expressing my dissatisfaction with the next FSO. Frankly, the radical departure from the normal FSO concept of this setup has me more than a little concerned about the direction it appears to be trying to take the FSO community, and I'm surprised that there has not been more of a reaction here.
First, the complexity of this "scenario" (and I use that comparison to the typical Saturday scenario event intentionally), is such that it is going to be extremely hard if not impossible for a CiC to command and control his forces once they launch. We all know how hard it is to get our people to read and follow even simplistic orders...but this one has so many little nit-picky and unique rules that this one definately violates the KISS principle.
Next, a glance at the map indicates an extremely large ammount of available terrain, but the focus of the objectives seem to force everything into a tiny 4-grid square area, thereby effectively robbing the commander of the freedom to maneuver, or to seek a less obvious route to the target. While the scenario lists 2 objectives (re-supply of Stalingrad and defense of Pitomnik Airfield), the close proximity of these two fields results in it being in reality a single objective...the loss of Pitomnik equals the inabilty to re-supply Stalingrad. The 2 objectives are just too close together.
Instead of spreading the fight over a much larger piece of the terrain, and providing some measures for a commander to achieve a local superiority thru numbers or skillfull positioning of forces, you appear to be forcing all of the fight into a very small area. Basically you are setting up a giant MA furball, and I'm not buying into that kind of setup.
Also, I hope the inclusion of the P-40F in this setup was a typo, as I have to wonder why we are including a 1943 aircraft in a 1942 scenario...P-40Bs and P-40Es would make more sense.
Lastly, this setup continues the recent trend within the FSO of "single-sided" setups (i.e "The Green Desert" and "To Win The Winter Sky") where one side does nothing but defend, while the other does nothing but attack. I believe that this type of setup betrays the spirit of the FSO that I have come to love and look forward to for the past 12 years.
In fact it makes me not want to participate.
VMF-101 Nightmares