I was new, back in May. A few things:
1. You will become addicted.
2. You will still need to shower, and still try to eat at normal times. And sleep. Remember these things.
3. If you have teenage kids, they will smirk at your headset at first, then they will stand over your shoulder saying things like "go get that one, no over there, hey I wanna try, hey I want an account."
4. Eventually, you will quietly listen to the boss/wife/cop that pulled you over as they harass you, while your inner voice says "dude, you'd be so dead if I caught you on the deck with no E."
5. You will learn that thinking about how to maintain a perch above a furball while driving a real vehicle down the highway is not a good combination.
6. You will spend hours of your life learning that the mil tick marks in a tank reticule actually have meaning. And you will become proficient at using them.
7. If your addiction gets really bad, and you travel for business, you will bring your headset and joystick with you on the road, and the 24 year old TSA agent at the Xray machine will look you intently for a moment, and quietly nod his head approvingly.
8. You will find yourself watching a war movie with your non-AH pals, and blurt out "NO WAY a Mark VI turrets from one round!... Err, anyone want a beer?"
9. You will begin to think you can fly commercial aircraft, if you really had to.
10. Your wife will say things like "your office now looks like a crack den", and you will respond "no, Tank Town is the crack den." And she will not be amused.