Author Topic: Just My Luck  (Read 1102 times)

Offline Arbiter

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2014, 12:36:23 PM »
I have a job, a life and a wife...  I don't have time to worry about rank, I fly for fun, and the fights.  Timid players who run till you get bored and turn to find another fight then pick you or vulch you on landing are bottom feeders to me.  YMMV

How is that a fair characterization?

Here are some names I'm familiar with from this month and last month's "Top 50" pilots:


None of these guys run from a fight as far as I know.  I'm sure I could pull out a few more as well as some who might run, but I think you get my point.

So now that we have established that those who strive and achieve high rank are just as diverse in behavior as the rest of the player base I ask again:  Why is it considered a bad thing by some players to strive for a high rank?

Offline Wiley

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2014, 12:39:18 PM »
How is that a fair characterization?

Here are some names I'm familiar with from this month and last month's "Top 50" pilots:


None of these guys run from a fight as far as I know.  I'm sure I could pull out a few more as well as some who might run, but I think you get my point.

So now that we have established that those who strive and achieve high rank are just as diverse in behavior as the rest of the player base I ask again:  Why is it considered a bad thing by some players to strive for a high rank?

Not necessarily factual, but it's the perception.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Arbiter

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2014, 12:42:22 PM »
Not necessarily factual, but it's the perception.


True and granted, but I think many would agree with the stated assessment for those names listed.

Offline Wiley

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2014, 01:07:15 PM »
True and granted, but I think many would agree with the stated assessment for those names listed.

Right.  But when people happen to dive into superior odds and get killed by one of the high ranked guys, some tend to assume "He killed me in a group, therefore he must only fly in a group and that's how he gets all his kills and rank.  I can now feel good about the low stats I have because I choose to dive into red mobs repeatedly with no thought for survival." or something along those lines.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Arbiter

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2014, 01:22:23 PM »
Right.  But when people happen to dive into superior odds and get killed by one of the high ranked guys, some tend to assume "He killed me in a group, therefore he must only fly in a group and that's how he gets all his kills and rank.  I can now feel good about the low stats I have because I choose to dive into red mobs repeatedly with no thought for survival." or something along those lines.


Excellent point.  :aok

Offline BluBerry

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2014, 01:23:23 PM »
Why is it considered bad to strive for a high rank?  I've never really understood why it's held in such low esteem by some.

Being around as long as you have Ful, I figured you would have understood this by now.

It's the way it would be and is in any game, everyone who joins this community  ( I'm talking in game, not the heavily moderated BBS ) enters with their own agenda for what they hope to do and achieve. Skill level between players tends to vary greatly as do their computers, connections, ages and interests. The human factor and the subconscious primal instincts make us unite under common interests and we break down into groups, clicks, squads or whatever you would name it.

In our game we have the different micro societies as well. Most can be left up the individuals interpretation of what these factions are, but for your sake I'll break it down for you as I see it.

First, you have the "never enoughs" which are the guys who are generally chill people but kind of suck in the ways of AH2.. their reason is always clear "I never have enough time to play so my skills don't improve." Now, to be clear here.. I am not knocking this guys.. I myself was one of them. This group tends to be people who don't make BBS accounts, don't know the names of any great fighters or about any events that are held. These are the guys who cancel and return often, because paying 15 a month when your already a "never enough" seems ridiculous sometimes.

Next you have "Historicals" this group tends to be a blend of very average players who are older in age but some of the smartest around. Histo's are the ones that don't use custom gun sights EVER, but the correct recticle for the correct aircraft. Histo's tend to be found in squads, lone wolf types are rare for the fact that they enjoy historical banter and debates and often flock together from that common interest.

Thirdly, you have the "Gamers" a group mixed with "War Winners", unlike Histo's, Gamers tend to stay in smaller squads or go lone wolf. Gamers are generally of higher then average skill level, but nothing exceptional. They are the guys that love achievements for the sake of stars near their name, they run from fights to protect their score because while they enjoy dog fighting, they also enjoy winning.. because they are gamers! This translates into them being more dedicated players and most often the ones who log the most hours. The Gamers find scoring well important regardless of if that means running away or diving to ack, the win is in seeing that you are the best in that category. The controversial issue with this group is that they believe that their #1 rank or exceptional statistics make them exceptional players, but they are exceptional only in the context of "gaming the game". In AH2 it is possible to obtain the #1 rank in any category and not have the highest skill level or actually even be more then above average. They find their fun and their enjoyment through beating other players on paper but not in practice.

Next up you have the "Fighters" and this is the group I belong to. Fighters tend to be the most aggressive players in the game in dog fighting and in watermelon talking. There is no interest in beating another player on paper. This crowd is home to some of the younger players but generally is 20-45. This group tends to have the shortest fuses, the sorest losers and the loudest and most obnoxious players. Not everyone in the Fighters is skilled at fighting, but unlike gamers there is never a desire to return home alive.. there is simply the fight and nothing else. For some of the Fighters, they have had little to no sorties every in a bomber, never sat in a GV and tend to lean towards turn fighting as a preferred method. Gamers and Fighters tend to not get a long because Gamers are better on paper and can talk watermelon like Fighters. Issues tend to arise when Gamers use their rank to act elite (which they are in their category), when in the Fighters mind they are nothing more then a lesser skilled opponent that uses score to make up for lack of skill.
Fighters tend to have the highest level of skill in the game, group in small highly skilled squads and shade the most.

Now you have the "Olds", this group is comprised of Histo's as well. Olds tend to be the players who are in the twilight of their careers as cartoon fliers. Wether it is their eye sight, health conditions, level of interest or lack of acceptance of the times, this group tends to be stubborn and of better then average skill. Most in this group have been playing flight Sim's since the late 80's early 90's. This group tends to stick together, post less on the BBS but always read the boards, find most of the Fighters unbearable and generally run on old computer systems as well. Olds also fly more in events and with friends selectively in events while partaking less and less in the MA. Olds also tend to be interested in preserving the integrity of the game more then anything and while they generally dislike Fighters, they find Gamers acceptable.

There is also the "War Winners". This group needs little explanation.. they are here for the war, they tend to have huge numbers, big squads and low skill levels. These guys could give two chits about trying to make it home safe, that P38 is going to take out the radar and auger right after and in 2 seconds they are up again smiling, because its for the war machine and the greater good. This tends to be the first crowd that new players align with because early success in the war machine is easier to find then in a fighter plane. Score is not important at all, age ranges tend to be extreme, it is the large volume of players coupled with low skill levels that lend this group to be called Tards from time to time. War Winners blend heavily with Gamer and this is normally the combination that makes up a horde.

There are many other categories and combinations and some people are a blend of multiple.. but these are the big 6 worth explaining to you. These different groups mean collections of different mindsets and from there the inevitable argument about what is best. In the end, its all just perception.

Offline Arbiter

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2014, 01:39:33 PM »
In the end, its all just perception.

Of everything you wrote I think this is the most important. 

You define six broad player categories.    In your opinion is it possible for a player to be a member of more than one of the categories you have defined?   I recognize that some categories are incompatible with others, but in general can a player be a member of more than one?

Offline BluBerry

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2014, 01:41:43 PM »
  In your opinion is it possible for a player to be a member of more than one of the categories you have defined?

I understand reading a giant wall of text is a pain.. but if you read the post you would know the answer.

Offline Arbiter

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2014, 01:43:43 PM »
Oh I read it.  Based on the wall one can come away with both a yes and no answer. 

So I assume you are saying yes, correct?

Offline Arbiter

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2014, 01:45:34 PM »
i.e. you explicitly state that multiple combinations can exist, but the definitions leave little room for that to occur based on the characteristics you define.

Offline BluBerry

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2014, 01:47:42 PM »
Oh I read it.  Based on the wall one can come away with both a yes and no answer. 

So I assume you are saying yes, correct?

Thirdly, you have the "Gamers" a group mixed with "War Winners"

Now you have the "Olds", this group is comprised of Histo's as well.

War Winners blend heavily with Gamer and this is normally the combination that makes up a horde.

There are many other categories and combinations and some people are a blend of multiple.. but these are the big 6 worth explaining to you. These different groups mean collections of different mindsets and from there the inevitable argument about what is best. In the end, its all just perception.

You must really need stuff explained to you.

Offline Arbiter

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2014, 01:51:12 PM »

You must really need stuff explained to you.

In this case, yes.  Again, the characteristics you define for each broad group imply it would be difficult for one to be a part of another.  But I think we are getting away from the question I asked.

So would it be fair to say that only some who achieve high rank deserve to be there?  If so, why?

Offline BluBerry

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2014, 01:57:05 PM »

So would it be fair to say that only some who achieve high rank deserve to be there?  If so, why?

You can answer that question for yourself, I know what my answer is. Remember the perception thing? It's all about how you view it. I offered you my view on your original question of

Why is it considered bad to strive for a high rank?  I've never really understood why it's held in such low esteem by some.

Figure the rest out for yourself.

Offline Arbiter

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2014, 02:00:00 PM »
By the way, I'm not disputing anything you have stated thus far and am not ridiculing you.  Argumentum ad hominem is not my style.  

I'm asking honest questions and am interested in your responses,  In general I agree with most of what you have written, even if I think the categories are a bit too broad and caste-ish.


Offline Arbiter

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Re: Just My Luck
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2014, 02:31:00 PM »

You can answer that question for yourself, I know what my answer is. Remember the perception thing? It's all about how you view it.

I remember the perception thing.  I did call it out previously as being very important. 

It might be fair to say that some players consider some who achieve or seek high rank as legitimate, specifically those who are also members of the same category as that player.  So a fighter would tend to think another fighter is a legitimate top ranked player.  Conversely, others top ranked players are illegitimate because they are not perceived by a player as being a member of the same category.

But I also think that there are players who take a broader, less restricted view.  I lump myself into that category.  I respect and admire all the top players because it takes time, work and skill to achieve a higher rank.   Skill is a highly subjective subject in its own right.

Thanks for the information!
