I've tried setting the avatar size to 80x80, I've used .gif, .jpg, and .png file types, and I've even resized it down to 50x50 - no go. Any other suggestions?
What error are you getting?The avatar must be 80x80 pixels, or smaller, and be a gif, jmg, or bmp. That is the only requirements.
I think your missing the file size requirement. If you upload a gif that is to large in terms of size ( Mega Bites ) the BBS will not allow it and you have to reduce the file size to some X number of MB's that I cannot recall.
It is virtually impossible to violate the size requirement due to the pixel count.
I just tried this avatar as bmp and it was too big18.8kb vs 9.59kb as jpg
Did you check the pixel count after the conversion? A quick glimpse showed me avatars of way over 25kb...